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Banana Fish, Vol. 11 book cover

Banana Fish, Vol. 11

Banana Fish Series

Akimi Yoshida

Experience the thrilling world of Vice City in the 80s through the eyes of Ash Lynx: a beautiful young man nurtured into a cold-blooded killer by his adoptive father, Papa Dino Golzine. But when Ash meets Eiji Okamura, a kind-hearted Japanese photographer, everything changes. As Ash rebelliously leaves behind his life of crime, he is pulled back in when Papa Golzine gains access to a dangerous secret that drove Ash's brother mad in Vietnam. Now, Ash, Eiji, and a team of allies must fight for their freedom and survival in this epic shojo masterpiece by Akimi Yoshida.
Fecha de publicación
publicado por primera vez en 1990
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