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Investing Between the Lines book cover

Investing Between the Lines

How to Make Smarter Decisions By Decoding CEO Communications

L. J. Rittenhouse

Investing Between the Lines is a must-read for anyone looking to make smarter investment decisions. L.J. Rittenhouse introduces a revolutionary method for evaluating the financial integrity of a company, based on decoding CEO communications. This book will teach you how to decipher confusing company communications and platitudes, separate facts from fluff in annual reports, and safeguard your investments by investing in companies that steward investor capital. Rittenhouse's system is one of the most powerful tools a corporate leader or investor can have, and has been used to predict the collapse of Enron and the fall of Lehman. Investing Between the Lines is a game-changer for anyone keen on making an informed investment.
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publicado por primera vez en 2012
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