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Mycelium Running book cover

Mycelium Running

How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World

Paul Stamets

Learn how growing more mushrooms can help save the environment in this groundbreaking text from mushroom expert Paul Stamets. Discover how the microscopic cells called "mycelium" can recycle carbon, nitrogen, and other essential elements to create rich new soil, while also serving as a powerful tool for decomposing toxic waste and pollutants, filtering water, controlling insect populations, and enhancing the health of our forests and gardens. This comprehensive guide covers everything from mycoremediation to mycoforestry, along with the medicinal and nutritional properties of mushrooms, inoculation methods, log and stump culture, and species selection. With beautiful illustrations and extensive references, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the fascinating world of mushrooms and their potential to revolutionize the way we care for the planet.
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This is the best book on fungi since Paul Stamets’s Mycelium Running. Check it out.      fuente