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Running Dogs book cover

Running Dogs

Jerrold Mundis

"Running Dogs" is a gritty and powerful novel that delves deep into the struggles of black and white men in the unforgiving landscape of the American West. Cable Boone, a black cavalry trooper, is now an outlaw running for his life and fighting to survive. John Hadley Small, a white man seeking vengeance, is determined to hunt him down. And Deacon Rufe Cook, a black Christian and professional gunman, is torn by the desires within him that he can no longer deny. This final volume of the Shame & Glory Saga presents a powerful and poignant story of a people stolen into bondage, fighting for their liberty, and stepping into genuine freedom. "Running Dogs" is not for the squeamish but is a must-read for those who love action, moral conflicts, and building of believable characters.
Fecha de publicación
publicado por primera vez en 1976
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