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Secrets of the Temple book cover

Secrets of the Temple

How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country

William Greider

Discover the shocking story of the Reagan administration's impact on the US economy with this book by a renowned journalist. With chapters devoted to topics like Wall Street and the god almighty dollar, this insightful read sheds light on the wrenching changes America endured. From the choice of Wall Street to the triumph of money, be prepared to learn about the pact with the devil and the slaughter of the innocents. This book is a game-changer and a must-read for anyone looking to understand the recent history of US economics.
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publicado por primera vez en 1987
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Bill was an incredible journalist, reporter, writer, listener and mentor. He was always so so kind to me, and a role model. His book on the Fed is still, I think, the best one ever written      fuente
Greider’s “Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country” is a must read. I never thought a book about the fed could be a page-turner, but he did it      fuente