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Strategy and Structure book cover

Strategy and Structure

Chapters in the History of the Industrial Enterprise

Alfred D. Chandler

"Strategy and Structure" is a classic text that examines how the largest corporations in America dealt with the challenge of managing an expanding business. Based on intensive studies of General Motors, Dupont, Standard Oil of New Jersey, and Sears, Roebuck, this book explores the history of corporate expansion in America and the modern decentralized corporate structure developed by four major companies. This is a must-read for anyone interested in business history and corporate strategy.
Fecha de publicación
publicado por primera vez en 1962
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Strategy and Structure, like everything Chandler wrote, is brilliant — turgid (you can read one out every five pages and still get it), but brilliant. The fact that organizational charts were not found chiseled on the pyramids and the notion that structure follows strategy changed my life. Read it because we haven’t quite come up with an organizational model that solves the strategic problems we are facing today with the internet and disruption and speed.      fuente