La semana laboral de 4 horas
Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
Timothy Ferriss
Olvídate del trasnochado concepto de jubilación y deja de aplazar tu vida. Si tu sueño es dejar de depender de un sueldo, viajar por el mundo a todo tren, ingresar más de 10.000 euros al mes, o simplemente, vivir más y trabajar menos, este libro es la brújula que necesitas. En esta guía paso a paso sobre cómo diseñar tu vida descubrirás: Cómo Tim pasó de ganar 40.000 dólares al mes trabajando 80 horas semanales a 40.000 dólares mensuales en 4 horas por semana. Cómo subcontratar a ayudantes virtuales y dedicarte a hacer lo que quieras. Que existen ejecutivos de grandes empresas recorriendo el mundo sin dejar su trabajo.
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@thecolbykultgen Great book. So different than anything else out there. – fuenteMy key takeaway from The 4-Hour Workweek was the concept of lifestyle design. – fuente
Read Ryan's list of 42 books that will change your life for the better—all described in one sentence. – fuente2008-05-15T00:00:00.000Z
Brilliant reversal of all of the “how to manage all your crap” books. This one tells you how to say “no” to the crap, set expectations on your terms, and be just as effective in a fraction of the time. This is perfect for musicians with other responsibilities (day jobs) that need more free time to actually make music! – fuenteI was very affected by The 4-Hour Workweek. I was like this guy has it figured out. – fuente
I read The 4-Hour Workweek right when I started Toms. There’s so many things that I took from it that allowed Toms to have this incredible growth. – fuente
Book #9
Highly recommend this to anyone who feels like pursuing his dreams but doesn't really know how to get there yet. Inspiring! – fuenteTaught me better ways to manage my time and the value of not making myself too busy. – fuente
Made me ditch the average life in search of one with complete flexibility and freedom to live life on my terms. – fuente
For those who struggle with productivity and taking control of their lives, I give this book, of course! – fuente