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Terry Laughlin

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Terrence James Laughlin, was an American swimming coach and founder of Total Immersion, a popular swimming technique that emphasizes form before speed. He also became a best-selling author and the producer of swimming videos that drew millions of views.
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Mastery book cover
The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment
George Leonard - 1992-02-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1991)
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This book dives into the theme of mastery, drawing on Zen philosophy and the martial art of aikido. The author showcases the process of mastering any skill to achieve greater levels of excellence and fulfillment in all aspects of life. It offers essential keys, tools and guidance on how to avoid pitfalls and overcome obstacles. Perfect for those seeking success in their careers, relationships and personal growth.
Terry Laughlin
A set of prescriptions or principles, for attaining mastery.      fuente