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Escape from Freedom book cover

Escape from Freedom

Erich Fromm

"Escape from Freedom" explores the idea that if human beings cannot handle the responsibilities and dangers that come with freedom, they may turn to authoritarianism. This landmark work was originally published in 1941, but its message is still relevant today. By delving into the causes of authoritarian systems and analyzing the ways in which modern society has dehumanized individuals, this book offers important insights into the state of civilization. Using psychoanalytical insights, "Escape from Freedom" sheds light upon the illness of contemporary civilization and its willingness to submit to totalitarian rule.
Дата публикации
впервые опубликовано в 1941
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I just completed Escape from Freedom by Erich Fromm. That’s probably one of my favorite books from the last few years. It’s written in 1941, and traces the psychological evolution of going from feudal, primary bonds of old to our modern age of being disconnected yet “free”. It’s obviously influenced heavily by the Fascist regimes at the time, but its diagnosis feels as timely today as it did then. Truly a spectacular and imminently readable book.      источник