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Интроверты book cover


Как использовать особенности своего характера

Susan Cain

Эта книга – о том, как реализовать свои таланты и амбиции, будучи интровертом, как оказывать влияние на людей, руководить ими и направлять, сохраняя при этом свое личное пространство. Всегда есть альтернативные рецепты успеха, которые действуют хотя бы потому, что никто не ждет удара с неожиданной стороны. Здесь вы найдете многие из них.
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Discusses how extroverts in our society are bigged up so much, and if you’re anything other than an extrovert you’re made to think there’s something wrong with you. That’s like the story of my life.      источник
@CaroWallis Love that book      источник
Leaders needn’t be the loudest. Leadership is not about theater. It’s not about dominance. It is about putting the lives of others before any other priority. In Quiet, Cain affirms to a good many of us who are introverts by nature that we needn’t try to be extroverts if we want to lead. Simply being ourselves is more important — and more effective.      источник
12 Books That Every Leader Should Read: Updated for 2018 -- via @work_matters: - The Progress Principle - Influence - Quiet - The Fearless Organization - The Path Between the Seas      источник
“There's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.” -Quiet by @susancain, one of my favorite books. I’m sending digital copies to my team via @AmazonKindle. What book would you give to your team? #sponsored #bossbooks:      источник
Love Susan and her book.      источник
The book I was talking about is called Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain 🌟♥️👍 really good.      источник
Any introvert should like this book. Wonderful info and insights about introversion. It'll help you defend your preference for low-stimulus environments. Since reading it, I feel better about insisting on my quiet/alone time.      источник
@AlexAndBooks_ Mindset by @CarolDweckDSU Grit by @angeladuckw Radical Candor by Kim Scott Quiet by @susancain No rules rules by @ErinMeyerINSEAD Phenomenal life changing books!      источник
@norah_nr Haven't really. A good book I'd recommend is "Quiet" by Susan Cain —>      источник
This book embarrassed me. It suggests that most of us undervalue introverts and, thus, effectively take a pass on about 40 percent of the population. In particular, introverts tend to be more thoughtful and deliberate.      источник
@sfwriter Yes! Best book on introverts I've found.      источник
Some of my favorite books on human behavior. @danbharris @mkonnikova @navarrotells @cduhigg MIA: @AdamMGrant      источник
My last book recommendation for 2020: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by @susancain.It made me note that we should do our best to balance our introvert and extrovert personality traits to make them collaborate rather than conflict with each other      источник
This book is must-read if you are an introvert. Also useful for extroverts to understand us better. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking      источник
@jthompedu @susancain I have rarely cried about a book as much as I did this one. It was the first time I really understood me. So happy you’ll put Cain’s lessons into the world with love!      источник
@nicoleshannon Have you read @susancain's excellent book on the topic?      источник
On International Women’s Day, I thought I share 3 books from the past decade that have made me #Rethink something important. #ChooseToChallenge 1/4      источник