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The Origins of You book cover

The Origins of You

How Childhood Shapes Later Life

Jay Belsky

Discover the fascinating findings of four leading psychologists who have spent their careers tracking the lives of thousands of people from birth to midlife. Through their extensive research, they reveal how humans develop and answer important questions like whether childhood temperament predicts adult personality, the role of parents in shaping a child's future, and the impact of genetics on success in life. Learn about vulnerability, resilience, and success in this insightful and thought-provoking book that offers unprecedented insight into what makes each of us who we are.
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That is the new forthcoming book by Jay Belsky, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt, and Richie Poulton, which will prove one of the best and most important works of the last few years. Imagine following one thousand or so Dunedin New Zealanders for decades of their lives, up through age 38, and recording extensive data, and then doing the same for one thousand or so British twins through age 20, and 1500 American children, in fifteen different locales, up through age 15. Just imagine what you would learn! You merely have to buy this book.      источник