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Read This Twice
Задача трех тел book cover

Задача трех тел

Cixin Liu

В те времена, когда Китай переживал последствия жестокой "культурной революции", в ходе секретного военного проекта в космос были посланы сигналы, чтобы установить контакт с инопланетным разумом. Один из сигналов подхватила цивилизация, находящаяся на краю гибели, и теперь пришельцы готовятся вторгнуться на Землю. Узнав об этом, люди разделились на тех, кто готов отдать наш порочный мир под управление высшего разума, и тех, кто до последнего будет бороться против этого вторжения. Блестящий научно-фантастический роман "Задача трех тел" самого популярного китайского писателя Лю Цысиня обрел широкое мировое признание и стал первой переводной книгой, номинированной на самые престижные литературные премии в области фантастики: "Хьюго", "Небьюлу", "Локус", "Прометей" и других.
Дата публикации
впервые опубликовано в 2006
Рейтинг Goodreads
I felt like I was getting a Chinese version of Chinese culture. And that frame felt unique.      источник
Great series.      источник
@waitbutwhy I forgot about that book. I think I’ll go read it again. So good.      источник
Cixin Liu’s The Three-Body Problem starts with China’s Cultural Revolution and the Sino-American arms race, but quickly leaves such mundane affairs behind to explore what happens to the universe when you weaponize the laws of physics. If you think atom bombs are scary, wait till you read what a two-dimensional bomb does to our solar system.      источник
Books that fit that description are a little less rare. The Three Body Problem trilogy rocked my existence for a few months last year. One-dimensional characters and fairly bland writing—but the plot is so mind-bending that the flaws are irrelevant.      источник
Also The Summer Book, a NYRB reissue by Tove Jansson, Say Nothing by Patrick Keefe, Lie With Me by Phillipe Besson (w Molly Ringwald translating!), also I've lately been getting drunk and telling all my friends to read the Three Body trilogy      источник
Favourite reads of 2018: Fiction: Three Body Problem (trilogy) Non Fiction: The Big Picture Blog Post:      источник
Just finished reading this incredible trilogy. I feel like it's the apex of science fiction. Mind blowing.      источник
@monsika @tobyordoxford Yea wonderful books. You end up learning a lot about Chinese civic consciousness      источник
@yrechtman sci fi is the only genre some essentials: dan simmons - Hyperion @GreatDismal Neuromancer, second book is my favorite The Quantum Thief / Le Flambeur trilogy - the whole trilogy is delightful and obvi three body problem is epic full list:      источник
@TuckerMax @ATabarrok We were literally inspired to write this paper by that book.      источник
I just finished reading The Three Body Problem by @liu_cixin over the weekend. Wonderfully original science fiction. Physics + politics + philosophy + space. Loved it. Score: 9/10 🙌      источник
This quote from the Three Body Problem series is haunting me. "If I destroy you, what business is it of yours?" Read these books.      источник
I started The Three-Body Problem on Sunday and just finished. Haven’t tore through a novel like that in quite a while. I couldn’t put it down. Highly recommended if you like sci-fi      источник
The Three-Body Problem might be the best scifi book I've read all year. Physics, scientists, China, history, gaming and mythology. 🌕🌕🌕      источник