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The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein book cover
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
Kiersten White - 2018-09-25
Рейтинг Goodreads
Experience the monstrous and exquisitely disturbing tale of Elizabeth Lavenza in this stunning and dark reimagining of Frankenstein. Brought to the home of Victor Frankenstein, who has everything but a friend, Elizabeth must manage his dangerous temper and depraved whims to secure her survival. As the world she knows is consumed by darkness, this inventive retelling will have you hooked from the start. Plus, enjoy the full text of Mary Shelley's original Frankenstein. Praised as an NPR Best Book of the Year and a Chicago Public Library Best Book of the Year, don't miss out on this masterful and monstrous retelling.
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R.U.R. book cover
Karel Capek - 2001-08-20 (впервые опубликовано в 1920)
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Discover a groundbreaking play that coined the term "robot" in English. Explore a future world where all workers are machines until they develop souls and revolt against their human creators. This deeply moving theatrical experience follows the resulting catastrophe in a powerfully poignant story. Translated by Paul Selver.
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This Monstrous Thing book cover
This Monstrous Thing
MacKenzi Lee - 2015-09-22
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Clockwork technology and steam-powered carriages fill the world of this retelling of Frankenstein. After his brother's death, young mechanic Alasdair Finch brings him back using clockwork pieces, but the resurrection goes awry, creating a monster. Amidst the chaos caused by the novel Frankenstein's publication, the brothers must navigate dangerous situations and the wrath of their townsfolk. This creative and critically acclaimed debut novel by Mackenzi Lee is a must-read for fans of Cinder and the Yellow Brick War series.
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Man Made Boy book cover
Man Made Boy
Jon Skovron - 2013-10-03
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"Man Made Boy" follows the adventures of a seventeen-year-old boy who has never left home because he is the son of Frankenstein's monster and the Bride. Living in a secret enclave of monsters hidden under Times Square, Boy's only interactions with the world are through the Internet where he is a hacker extraordinaire. When conflict erupts at home, he embarks on a cross-country road trip with the granddaughters of Jekyll and Hyde, discovering love, heartbreak, and facing both his literal and figurative demons. This hilarious and romantic novel redefines what it means to be a monster and a man.
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The Island of Doctor Moreau book cover
The Island of Doctor Moreau
H. G. Wells - 1999-03-31 (впервые опубликовано в 1896)
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Explore the terrifying and thrilling world of H. G. Wells' early classic, The Island of Doctor Moreau. Stranded on a Pacific island controlled by the infamous Dr. Moreau, the shipwrecked Edward Prendick faces dark secrets, strange creatures, and a reason to run for his life. Originally intended to comment on evolution, divine creation, and the tension between human nature and culture, the novel becomes an eerily prophetic commentary on the ethical issues of genetic engineering. With layers of interpretation that only add to the adventure, The Island of Doctor Moreau is a must-read novel, both for its literary merit and its chilling warning about the potential misuse of science.
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Spare and Found Parts book cover
Spare and Found Parts
Sarah Maria Griffin - 2016-10-04
Рейтинг Goodreads
In a world where survivors are missing limbs, Nell Crane's insider biomechanical heart makes her an outsider. As her city rebuilds, she struggles to live up to her father's revolutionary ideas, until she finds inspiration in a salvaged mannequin hand. Can she build her own companion, despite a society that fears advanced technology? And what secret experiments is her father hiding? Explore the depths of this captivating dystopian tale.
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