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Пятеро, что ждут тебя на небесах book cover
Пятеро, что ждут тебя на небесах
Mitch Albom - 2003-09-23
Рейтинг Goodreads
Что там, за последней чертой? Есть ли жизнь после смерти? И если да, то какая она? Об этом думает каждый из нас. Поразительная книга Митча Элбома способна раз и навсегда изменить все наши представления о жизни после смерти!
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Margot RobbieJenn Im
Charlie St. Cloud book cover
Charlie St. Cloud
A Novel
Ben Sherwood - 2017-09-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2004)
Рейтинг Goodreads
A man in a New England fishing village can see and communicate with his deceased younger brother. When a captivating woman enters his life, they form an uncommon bond that leads to a race against time and a choice between holding on and letting go. Explore the themes of death, loss, and the power of love in this heartwarming story.
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The Delight of Being Ordinary book cover
The Delight of Being Ordinary
A Road Trip with the Pope and the Dalai Lama (Vintage Contemporaries)
Roland Merullo - 2017-04-11
Рейтинг Goodreads
Get ready for a playful adventure with The Delight of Being Ordinary. Follow the Pope and the Dalai Lama as they embark on a secret vacation through the Italian countryside, shedding their robes to experience the joys and challenges of everyday life. Along the way, they're joined by the Pope's neurotic cousin and his estranged wife, who adds an eccentric twist to the journey. With good humor, intrigue, and spiritual fulfillment, author Roland Merullo delivers a heartwarming story that transcends cultural and political barriers.
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Милые кости book cover
Милые кости
Alice Sebold - 2006-09-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2002)
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"Шестого декабря тысяча девятьсот семьдесят третьего года, когда меня убили, мне было четырнадцать лет" - так начинается эта трагическая история. Погибшая - главная героиня Сюзи Сэлмон - приспосабливается к жизни на небесах и наблюдает сверху за тем, как ее убийца пытается замести следы, а семья - свыкнуться с утратой... Но эта сильная, драматическая книга не об убийстве, не о насилии, а о жизни. Жизни после смерти. Жизни тех, кто остался. Наверное, поэтому она написана таким на удивление светлым языком.
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If I Stay book cover
If I Stay
Gayle Forman - 2009-04-02
Рейтинг Goodreads
This moving novel follows 17-year-old Mia as she grapples with the tough choice of whether to pursue her passion for music, at the cost of leaving loved ones behind. Then tragedy strikes, leaving Mia with only one choice that truly matters. Ultimately, If I Stay highlights the power of love and family, and the difficult decisions we all must face.
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Forgiving Ararat book cover
Forgiving Ararat
Gita Nazareth - 2009-12-11
Рейтинг Goodreads
A young lawyer dies and is unexpectedly recruited by elite lawyers to defend souls at the Final Judgment. She searches for answers and attempts to recreate her previous life, while embarking on a quest to bring her killer to justice. With mythical prose and praise from legendary authors, Forgiving Ararat is a book that bridged the chasm between life and death. Perfect for fans of The Lovely Bones, this book is a profound exploration of the Trial we all must face.
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