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This essential reference tool is the go-to guide for electrical industry professionals. Stay up-to-date with the latest changes to the National Electrical Code (NEC) and access mathematical formulas, NEMA wiring configurations, conduit bending guides, ampacity and conduit fill information, transformer and control circuit wiring diagrams, and conversion tables. This 2020 edition also includes expanded coverage on topics such as junction box size calculations, multimeter usage, and non-contact voltage testing. Keep Ugly’s Electrical References on hand for quick and easy access to the most pertinent information.
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Ultimate Guide
Wiring, 8th Updated Edition (Creative Homeowner) DIY Home Electrical Installations & Repairs from New Switches to Indoor & Outdoor Lighting with Step-by-Step Photos (Ultimate Guides)
Learn how to navigate your home’s electrical system with ease through this project-based guide. The “Ultimate Guide: Wiring, 8th Edition” features easy-to-understand language and step-by-step photography, and provides tips and tricks for selecting the right equipment, running wiring through your walls, and installing switches, outlets, and lighting systems. Updated with the latest information required by the National Electrical Code, this book also covers outdoor lighting and security systems. Perfect for homeowners looking to complete installations and repairs themselves.
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This comprehensive guide, first published in 1996, has become the go-to reference for residential wiring. The fifth edition has been updated to the latest 2014 electrical code and includes significant revisions that impact residential work. With information on expanded AFCI and GFCI protection, new low voltage power distribution methods, as well as DC provisions to save energy, this book is essential for professionals, apprentices, and homeowners looking for accurate and accessible information on wiring.
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This comprehensive electrical trainee guide is complete with technical advice from industry experts, review questions, and a wealth of illustrations. The guide is perfect for those looking to learn about the orientation to electrical trade, electrical safety, introduction to electrical circuits, electrical theory, the National Electrical Code, and much more. Instructor supplements are available, providing access to lesson plans, tests, and powerpoints for teachers. Become an expert in electrical training with this essential guide.
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Prepare for your Journeyman Electrician Exam with this comprehensive study guide. Practice with 12 open book exams and 2 final closed book exams. Covering conductor sizing and protection, motors, transformers, voltage drop, over-current protection, and residential and commercial load calculations, this guide also contains widely used electrical calculations and formulas. Get ready to pass your exam with confidence.
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Монография известных американских специалистов, уже знакомая нашему читателю по предыдущим изданиям, посвящена схемотехнике электронных систем. В ней приведены наиболее интересные технические решения, а также анализируются ошибки разработчиков аппаратуры; внимание читателя сосредоточивается на тонких аспектах проектирования и применения электронных схем.
Данное издание на русском языке представляет собой объединение тт. 1 и 2 предыдущего издания 1993 г. Книга содержит сведения об элементах схем, транзисторах, операционных усилителях, активных фильтрах, источниках питания, полевых транзисторах, прецизионных схемах и малошумящей аппаратуре, цифровых схемах, преобразователях информации.
Для специалистов в области электроники, автоматики, вычислительной техники, а также студентов соответствующих специальностей вузов.
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Advance your electronics knowledge with this fully-updated guide, offering step-by-step instructions, schematics, and illustrations to help you develop and construct your own functioning gadgets. Written by experienced engineers and dedicated hobbyists, Practical Electronics for Inventors provides essential insights on components, circuits, microcontrollers, digital electronics, and much more. Discover how to design and build your own creations, work with new software tools, and test and tweak to perfection. With additional instruction on semiconductors, voltage regulators, and logic gates, this no-nonsense guide is perfect for both beginners and experienced hobbyists.
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This updated edition of a classic Microwave Engineering book by David M. Pozar covers active circuits, noise, nonlinear effects, and wireless systems in greater depth. It includes new chapters on noise and nonlinear distortion, active devices, and wireless communication systems. The latest information on bipolar junction and field effect transistors is also included, making this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in microwave engineering.
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Get the latest industry information on designing, installing and maintaining electrical systems with this fully updated handbook. The sixteenth edition covers the most current electrical codes and standards, as well as energy-efficient technologies like photovoltaics and induction lighting. Detailed photos, charts, tables, and calculations are included throughout, making this a must-have resource for professional electricians. Topics covered include fundamentals, circuits, equipment and batteries, transformers, generators, wiring, and more.
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Antenna Theory by Constantine A. Balanis
Electrical Engineering 101 by Darren Ashby
Solid State Electronic Devices by Ben Streetman
Electrician's Troubleshooting and Testing Pocket Guide, Third Edition by Brooke Stauffer, John Traister
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics by Fawwaz Ulaby
Modern Control Systems by Richard Dorf