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Весёлый дом book cover
Весёлый дом
Семейная трагикомедия
Alison Bechdel - 2007-06-05 (впервые опубликовано в 2006)
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«Весёлый дом» — откровенные графические мемуары американской художницы Элисон Бекдел, именем которой назван тест для оценки художественных произведений на гендерную предвзятость. Честно и беспристрастно Бекдел рисует картины своего детства и юности, рассказывает о сложностях самопознания и сексуального самоопределения, описывает взаимоотношения с отцом, скрытым гомосексуалом. История семьи в её глазах приобретает характер трагикомедии. «Весёлый дом» включён в список лучших книг 2006 года изданиями New York Times, The Guardian и Entertainment Weekly, отмечен множеством престижных наград, в числе которых премия имени Уилла Айснера, Lambda, GLAAD Media Award и Stonewall Book Award. В 2013 году на Бродвее прошла премьера театральной постановки комикса. Она была удостоена премии «Тони» в категории «Лучший мюзикл», а её сценарий номинирован на Пулитцеровскую премию.
The One Hundred Nights of Hero book cover
The One Hundred Nights of Hero
A Graphic Novel
Isabel Greenberg - 2016-12-20
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Immerse yourself in a world of folk tales and myths about the secret legacy of female storytellers in an imagined medieval world. Follow the story of Cherry and her maid Hero, who hatch a plan to keep a wicked man's friend at bay with mesmerizing tales for 100 nights. Beautifully depicted and richly imagined, this book touches on themes of love, betrayal, loyalty, and madness, and will capture your heart and mind.
Моя интимная жизнь с одиночеством book cover
Моя интимная жизнь с одиночеством
Том 1
Nagata Kabi - 2017-06-06 (впервые опубликовано в 2016)
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Как покончить с бессмысленным существованием, начавшимся после окончания старшей школы? Как преодолеть муки одиночества, длившиеся целых десять лет? Мой ответ – обратиться к услугам девушки по вызову. Вы держите в руках мой откровенный отчет о том, как я заглянула в самые потаенные уголки своей души.
Skim book cover
Mariko Tamaki - 2008-02-28
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A graphic novel that explores themes of suicide, depression, love, and self-acceptance among young women. Follow the story of Skim, a not-slim, would-be Wiccan goth who attends a private girls' school, as she navigates the aftermath of a classmate's suicide and falls in love. Written and illustrated by cousins Mariko and Jillian Tamaki, this poignant and witty novel is a must-read for anyone looking for an edgy and keenly observed glimpse into the heartache of being young.
Rainbow Rowell
Sugar Town book cover
Sugar Town
Hazel Newlevant - 2017-10-17
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Explore the complexities of polyamory and bisexuality in this modern love story. Join Hazel, who navigates her happy relationship with her boyfriend while developing a sweet and tender romance with Argent, a dominatrix. Can she balance both relationships and navigate the challenges of falling in love with multiple partners?
The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For book cover
The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For
Alison Bechdel - 2008-11-12
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"The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For" chronicles the lives, loves, and politics of a diverse group of lesbian friends living in a midsize American city. From the author of the award-winning "Fun Home," this graphic novel presents a witty and thought-provoking soap opera that explores a wide range of issues, from hot sex to postmodern theory. With a quarter of a million copies in print and sixty new strips never before published in book form, this collection is an essential read for humanists of all persuasions.
On a Sunbeam book cover
On a Sunbeam
Tillie Walden - 2018-10-02
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This captivating graphic novel follows a crew's mission to rebuild stunning structures scattered across space. Mia, the newest member of the team, reveals her true motive for joining—to track down her mysterious and long-lost love. Through stunning artwork and an inventive plot, Tillie Walden's "On a Sunbeam" weaves a breathtaking love story sure to leave you spellbound.
Girl Friends book cover
Girl Friends
Milk Morinaga - 2012-10-02
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A socially-awkward high schooler's life changes when a popular and charismatic student takes her under her wing. Through their journey, deeper feelings emerge that blur the lines of friendship. Will their new relationship survive?
Princeless book cover
Raven The Pirate Princess Book 1
Jeremy Whitley - 2016-01-26
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Embark on a journey of revenge with Raven as she sets out to retrieve what's rightfully hers. She'll need a team to help her, and that's where the fearless and hilarious crew of impressive women come in. Follow their adventure full of action and excitement in this must-read book.
Space Battle Lunchtime Vol. 1 book cover
Space Battle Lunchtime Vol. 1
Natalie Riess - 2016-10-25
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Experience the intergalactic cooking competition of a lifetime in SPACE BATTLE LUNCHTIME! Follow Earth baker Peony as she competes on a reality TV show set on a spaceship with alien competitors who don't play nice. Can she rise to the occasion and become the best cook in the Galaxy? Find out in this deliciously entertaining comic series.
Магическая академия супермутантов by Jillian Tamaki
Goldie Vance, Vol. 1 by Hope Larson
Лора Дин снова меня бросает by Mariko Tamaki
Дровосечки by Noelle Stevenson
As the Crow Flies by Melanie Gillman
Princess Princess Ever After by K. O'Neill
Motor Crush Volume 1 by Brenden Fletcher
Heavy Vinyl, Vol. 1 by Carly Usdin
Kim Reaper Vol. 1 by Sarah Graley
The Legend of Korra by Various
Aquicorn Cove by K. O'Neill
Always Human by Ari North
Jem and the Holograms, Vol. 1 by Kelly Thompson
Heathen #1 by Natasha Alterici
Darlin’ It’s Betta Down Where It’s Wetta by Megan Rose Gedris
Kim Reaper by Sarah Graley
Stage Dreams by Melanie Gillman
Revolutionary Girl Utena, Vol. 1 by Chiho Saito, Be-Papas
I Married My Best Friend to Shut My Parents Up by Kodama Naoko
America Vol. 2 by Gabby Rivera
Girl Town by Casey Nowak
Kim & Kim Volume 1 by Magdalene Visaggio
America Vol. 1 by Gabby Rivera
War of Streets and Houses by Sophie Yanow
MARVEL-VERSE by Kieron Gillen, Gabby Rivera, Mike Deodato, Jamie McKelvie, Joe Quinones, Stacey Lee, Flaviano
The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag