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Рекомендации от 30 статей, Ben Schwartz, Naval Ravikant, Donalyn Miller и ещё 5 других.
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Even Superheroes Have Bad Days book cover
Even Superheroes Have Bad Days
Shelly Becker - 2016-09-06
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Even Superheroes Have Bad Days" teaches kids how to handle their emotions, even when they're sad, mad, or frustrated. With exciting illustrations and a fun rhyming text, kids can learn how to resist the temptation to throw a tantrum and instead find healthy ways to cope when feeling overwhelmed. From going on a bike ride to helping others, this book is full of creative ideas to teach children how to handle their bad days."
Ten Rules of Being a Superhero book cover
Ten Rules of Being a Superhero
Deb Pilutti - 2014-10-14
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the ten essential rules of being a superhero alongside Captain Magma and Lava Boy in this exciting and engaging guide. With helpful tips and thrilling adventures, young readers will learn the importance of always responding to calls for help and embracing the chaos that comes with saving the day. Don't miss out on this must-read for any aspiring superhero!
Soon I Will be Invincible book cover
Soon I Will be Invincible
Austin Grossman - 2007-06-05
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This novel explores the world of superheros and villains through the eyes of Doctor Impossible, an evil genius trying to conquer the world, and Fatale, a half-woman, half-high tech warrior. Doctor Impossible reflects on his past battles while serving time in prison, wondering if his life's work was worth it. Meanwhile, Fatale joins the famous superhero team, the Champions, and quickly learns that being a superhero is not all it's cracked up to be. This entertaining first novel examines the complex themes of good and evil, love and loss, power and glory in the world of superheros.
Naval RavikantEric Smith
Superhero Instruction Manual book cover
Superhero Instruction Manual
Kristy Dempsey - 2016-05-17
Рейтинг Goodreads
Unlock your inner superhero with this fun and informative guidebook! Follow six easy steps to create your own superhero identity and powers. Join an aspiring hero as he embarks on a journey to save the world. But don't forget, even heroes need help sometimes. With lively text and playful illustrations, you'll be entertained from start to finish. Get ready to save the day!
The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man book cover
The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man
Michael Chabon - 2011-09-06
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This picture book follows the adventures of Awesome Man, a superhero who can shoot positronic rays and fly like an arrow. But he also has a secret. Written by a Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist, it's a fun and exciting read for young superhero fans, and also teaches kids how to deal with their emotions in a positive way. A perfect gift for any child who loves superheroes!
Almost Super book cover
Almost Super
Marion Jensen - 2014-01-21
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Two brothers in a superhero family must find a way to be heroic despite receiving dud powers. In Almost Super, Rafter and Benny Bailey discover their super-lame abilities, but must team up with their algebra nemesis, Juanita Johnson, to save the world from the evil Johnson family. Filled with humor, heart, and just the right kind of heroics, this middle-grade adventure is perfect for kids who want to be heroes, but with a twist.
Зло book cover
V. E. Schwab - 2013-09-24
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История о ревности, страсти и суперсилах... Виктор и Эли познакомились еще в колледже — гениальные, надменные и одинокие, они признавали только амбиции и интеллект друг друга. Став старше и разделив общую страсть к смертельно опасным опытам, они открыли теоретическую возможность приобретения сверхъестественных способностей. Но на практике все обернулось ужасающей катастрофой. Десять лет спустя Виктор сбегает из заключения и пытается найти бывшего товарища, ставшего врагом. Эли же преследует и уничтожает всех обладателей сверхспособностей. Теперь они, вооруженные суперсилами и подталкиваемые памятью о предательстве и потере, становятся непримиримыми врагами. Но чем закончится их дуэль и кто останется в живых? Шваб создает грандиозный мир, совмещающий яркую стилистику комиксов и реализм нуара. Мир, в котором суперсилы не превращают тебя в героя и преданность ставится под сомнение.
Superheroes Are Everywhere book cover
Superheroes Are Everywhere
Kamala Harris - 2019-01-08
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the power of being a superhero with this inspiring picture book memoir by Senator Kamala Harris. Harris shares her childhood love for superheroes and how she learned that heroes are all around us. Through engaging art and an empowering message, Harris shows that anyone can be a superhero by being the best they can be. Perfect for kids who want to make the world a better place, this book comes with a guide to being a superhero. Take up the mantle and be a hero today!
Dex book cover
The Heart of a Hero
Caralyn Buehner - 2004-02-03
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A story about a tiny dog named Dex who dreams of greatness, even though he's bullied by a tomcat named Cleevis. Dex's determination to be a superhero pays off when Cleevis is the one who needs his help. A heartwarming tale reminding us that size doesn't matter when it comes to making a big impact.
Super Manny Stands Up! book cover
Super Manny Stands Up!
Kelly DiPucchio - 2017-07-04
Рейтинг Goodreads
A heartwarming book about standing up for what’s right and finding your inner strength, Super Manny Stands Up! tells the story of a brave hero who fights against formidable foes such as zombie bears and alien robots with laser beam eyes. Written by New York Times bestselling author Kelly DiPucchio and beautifully illustrated by Stephanie Graegin, this tender and sparkling story is a must-read for children who dream of being superheroes themselves.
Even Superheroes Make Mistakes by Shelly Becker
Bug Girl by Benjamin Harper, Sarah Hines Stephens
Cape by Kate Hannigan
Squirrel Meets World by Shannon Hale, Dean Hale
Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks by Cynthia Leonor Garza
Chudo-Zhenschina by Leigh Bardugo
My Brother Is a Superhero by David Solomons
The Super Life of Ben Braver by Marcus Emerson
Стальное Сердце by Brandon Sanderson
Lyric McKerrigan, Secret Librarian by Jacob Sager Weinstein
Superhero Dad by Timothy Knapman
Mia Mayhem Is a Superhero! by Kara West
Bedtime for Batman by Michael Dahl
Девочка Божья коровка by David Soman, Jacky Davis
Do Super Heroes Have Teddy Bears? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle
Принцесса в чёрном by Shannon Hale
Dreadnought by April Daniels
Lucia the Luchadora by Cynthia Leonor Garza
Even Superheroes Have to Sleep by Sara Crow
The Amazing Adventures of Bumblebee Boy by Jacky Davis
Chews Your Destiny by Rhode Montijo
Черная Канарейка by Meg Cabot
Katie the Catsitter by Colleen Af Venable
Sidekicks by Dan Santat
Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain by Richard Roberts
My First Book of Girl Power by Julie Merberg
Renegades / Archenemies / Supernova by Marissa Meyer
Anti/Hero by Kate Karyus Quinn, Demitria Lunetta
Зеленый Фонарь by Minh Le
Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel by John Sazaklis
Caped by Darius Brasher
Dear Justice League by Michael Northrop
Help! I Need My Superheroes! by Webber Books
How to Be a Superhero by Sue Fliess
Born to Be Bad by Ken Lamug
Max and the Superheroes by Rocio Bonilla
The Three Little Superpigs by Claire Evans
Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Substitute by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
Batman and Robin and Howard by Jeffrey Brown
Jinx and the Doom Fight Crime! by Lisa Mantchev
The Adventures of Sparrowboy by Brian Pinkney
Майлз Моралес by Justin A. Reynolds
СуперУхо by Cece Bell
Флора и Одиссей by Kate Dicamillo
Freddie Ramos Takes Off by Jacqueline Jules
Dinos Are Forever by Greg Trine
The Unforgettable Logan Foster by Shawn Peters
Confessions of a D-List Supervillain by Jim Bernheimer
Scatter by Molly J. Bragg
Sensation by Kevin Hardman
My Super Concepts Book by David Bar Katz
Blackjack Villain by Ben Bequer
Bedtime for Superheroes by Katherine Locke
Primer by Thomas Krajewski, Jennifer Muro
Powerless by Matthew Cody
Captain Awesome to the Rescue! by Stan Kirby
The Rules of Supervillainy by C. T. Phipps
Wearing the Cape by Marion G. Harmon
The Shadow Hero Omnibus by Gene Luen Yang
Max by Bob Graham
What They Did to Princess Paragon by Robert Rodi
Heroine Complex by Sarah Kuhn
Even Superheroes Use the Potty by Sara Crow
Потрясающие приключения Кавалера & Клея by Michael Chabon