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Adam Neely

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Adam Michael Neely is a New York City-based YouTuber, bassist, and composer. His YouTube channel contains a mix of musical history, theory, and popular culture video essays. He also creates "Gig Vlogs", which give insight into the life of a professional musician.
4 книг в списке
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A Chromatic Approach to Jazz Harmony and Melody book cover
A Chromatic Approach to Jazz Harmony and Melody
David Liebman - 2015-10-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1991)
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Master improvisation with A Chromatic Approach to Jazz Harmony and Melody. This guide offers a method to help musicians develop their own style using familiar tonal ideas combined with chromaticism. Discover more than one way to conceive chromatic lines and harmonies through the theory and numerous musical examples provided, including transcriptions of famous artists like Coltrane and Hancock. With 100 solo lines and chord voicings included, this book is essential for any aspiring jazz musician looking to expand their vocabulary and style."
Adam Neely
The 5 Music Theory/Composition Books That Most Influenced Me: via @YouTube      источник
Harmonic Experience book cover
Harmonic Experience
Tonal Harmony from Its Natural Origins to Its Modern Expression
W. A. Mathieu - 1997-08-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the emotional and spiritual resonance of musical harmony from its ancient roots to its modern complexities. In Harmonic Experience, W. A. Mathieu presents a unique way of learning music that reconnects musicians to the original source of music generation. Through his theory, Mathieu bridges the gap between the ancient harmonic system and the modern twelve-tone temperament. Using musical examples and insights into the listener's experience of harmony, this book offers a captivating exploration of the rules of music and their origins in the resonance chambers of our bodies.
Adam Neely
The 5 Music Theory/Composition Books That Most Influenced Me: via @YouTube      источник
Building Walking Bass Lines book cover
Building Walking Bass Lines
Ed Friedland - 1995-05-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1993)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover how to build walking bass lines, the most common approach to jazz bass playing that's also used in rock music, blues, RandB, gospel, Latin, country, and more. This book helps familiarize players with techniques used to build walking bass lines and put new learning into action with 90-minutes' worth of recorded rhythm tracks. Get the tools you need to create your own walking bass lines.
Adam Neely
The 5 Music Theory/Composition Books That Most Influenced Me: via @YouTube      источник
Twentieth-Century Harmony book cover
Twentieth-Century Harmony
Creative Aspects and Practice
Vincent Persichetti - 1961-01-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
This comprehensive guide delves into the harmonic procedures found in twentieth-century music. It covers topics such as intervals, scales, chord formations, polytonality, and more. Perfect for music enthusiasts and aspiring composers looking to expand their knowledge of modern music theory.
Adam Neely
The 5 Music Theory/Composition Books That Most Influenced Me: via @YouTube      источник