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Cecile Richards

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Cecile Richards is an American activist who served as the president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund from 2006 to 2018.
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Lady Justice book cover
Lady Justice
Women, the Law, and the Battle to Save America
Dahlia Lithwick - 2022-09-20
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the heroic story of women lawyers who fought and won against the racism, sexism, and xenophobia of Donald Trump's presidency in Lady Justice. Dahlia Lithwick, Slate Senior Editor, tells thrilling tales of women like Sally Yates, Becca Heller, Roberta Kaplan, and Stacy Abrams who marched, ran for office, sued neo-Nazis, protected voting rights, and opposed the Muslim travel ban. With unparalleled access to her subjects, Lithwick writes a luminous book about the heroes of the Trump years, a celebration of tireless efforts, legal ingenuity, and indefatigable spirit. Lady Justice is a must-read for all optimistic and hopeful Americans.
Cecile Richards
Whoa! The brilliant @Dahlialithwick is out with this brilliant book that captures the heroic stories of women lawyers who fought Trump and saved democracy - so many great heroines, and inspiration for these troubling times. #ladyjustice #IAmLadyJustice #RoevemberisComing      источник
Reid HoffmanPiper PeraboJonathan Cohn
A whimsical and imaginative story of a “Nana” and her pure love for her granddaughter, “Joy”…this story provides a fun, carefree and child centric approach to the letters of the alphabet and delicately interweaves a small learning lesson into the purest love a grandmother and granddaughter share. This story will surely become a repeat selection of ...
Cecile Richards
@MadeleineLEngle Only my favorite book 📕 in the universe      источник