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Charlie Daniels

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Charles Edward Daniels is an American singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist known for his contributions to Southern rock, country, and bluegrass music. He is best known for his number-one country hit "The Devil Went Down to Georgia". Daniels has been active as a singer and musician since the 1950s.
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Backlash book cover
A Thriller (19) (The Scot Harvath Series)
Brad Thor - 2019-06-25
Рейтинг Goodreads
Get ready for a thrilling ride with ancient tales of lethal men who were part angel, part demon. Follow Scot Harvath, a man who crosses the line of danger as an intelligence agent, military operative, and assassin. After being betrayed and left alone in enemy territory, he must fight his way out with only his skills to rely on. But survival is not enough - he wants revenge. Brad Thor delivers page after page of explosive action, loyalty, and betrayal in this captivating and unforgettable novel.
Charlie Daniels
Finally got around to finishing Brad Thor’s new book Back Lash Great read, may well be his best.      источник