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Christine Caine

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Christine Caine is an Australian activist, evangelist, author, and international speaker. Caine and her husband Nick are best known for founding The A21 Campaign in 2008, a 501 non-profit, non-governmental organization that combats human trafficking.
20 книг в списке
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Essential Christianity book cover
Essential Christianity
The Heart of the Gospel in Ten Words (What is Christianity - an introduction to Christian beliefs and meaning)
J.D. Greear, Joe Gibbs - 2023-01-31
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A clear gospel explanation that helps you understand the heart of the Christian faith. If Paul wrote the book of Romans to 21st-century men and women today, what would he say? This book follows the key points of Paul’s explanation to the Romans and puts them into the terms of 21st century men and women, showing both ‘secular’ and ‘religious’ people...
Christine Caine
I’m currently reading this by ⁦@jdgreear⁩ With so much confusion out there, you’ll find this clarifying. Nothing more important than understanding the heart of the Gospel. It impacts EVERYTHING! Timely and helpful.      источник
The Kaiju Preservation Society book cover
The Kaiju Preservation Society
John Scalzi - 2022-03-15
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A food delivery driver becomes an unexpected protector of Kaijus, massive dinosaur-like creatures, in an alternate dimension where they roam free. As part of the Kaiju Preservation Society, he must protect these dangerous creatures from careless individuals who could endanger both worlds.
Christine Caine
@bobsmietana Bob, thanks for recommending this. It’s the book I didn’t know I needed to listen to. It was perfect for when I was in Pakistan. I would not normally read/listen to anything like this, but it was so good.      источник
Эта ласковая земля book cover
Эта ласковая земля
A Novel
William Kent Krueger - 2019-09-03
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Для поклонников "Там, где раки поют". Прекрасная, незабываемая история о любви и предательстве, мудрости, трусости и готовности жертвовать собой и, конечно, о всепоглощающей надежде. Летом 1932 года во времена Великой депрессии четыре сироты сбегают от суровой жизни в Линкольнской школе, куда детей отправляют насильно, разлучая с семьями, в поисках места, которое они смогут назвать домом. Они пускаются по реке Миссисипи в опасное путешествие, которое повлияет не только на их жизни, но и на отношение к миру и друг другу. Это путешествие чревато опасностями — как со стороны самой реки, где они подстерегают на каждом повороте, так и со стороны людей и закона. Друзьям еще предстоит узнать, что этот мир не только жесток, но и полон прекрасных людей, готовых поделиться своей заботой и тем немногим, что осталось у них самих. Книга, которая однозначно, станет современной классикой!
Christine Caine
Thank you to everyone who recommended this book. It was by far the top choice when I asked a couple of weeks ago. It was as good as you said it would be. I’ve done so much traveling lately, changed so many time zones, audio books have helped get me through.      источник
A Non-Anxious Presence book cover
A Non-Anxious Presence
How a Changing and Complex World will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders
Mark Sayers - 2022-05-03
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Discover how crisis reveals weaknesses in our strategies and idols, and offers opportunity for renewal with A Non-Anxious Presence. This book shows how the history of the church teaches us that crisis always precedes renewal, and offers strategic ways for churches and leaders to awaken and change our culture for Christ.
Christine Caine
In this season of chaos, disruption and transition, ⁦@SayersMark⁩ has given us the gift of this book. I encourage every leader to read this. Especially now.      источник
Josey Johnson's Hair and the Holy Spirit book cover
Josey Johnson's Hair and the Holy Spirit
Esau McCaulley - 2022-05-10
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Explore the beauty of diversity with Josey Johnson's Hair and the Holy Spirit. This heartwarming children's book follows a little girl who learns that our differences aren't a mistake – they're part of God's wonderfully creative design. Along with captivating illustrations, author Esau McCaulley includes a note to encourage meaningful conversations with young readers about the importance of embracing diversity. Join Josey on her journey of self-discovery and share in the meaningful message of this book. Discover IVP Kids and help children understand the things that matter to God.
Christine Caine
Hey ⁦@esaumccaulley⁩, thank you for this incredible children’s book. A friend saw it on my kitchen bench and immediately put it in her bag so she can read to her son tonight. It is a stunning book.      источник
Jesus and Gender book cover
Jesus and Gender
Living as Sisters and Brothers in Christ
Elyse M. Fitzpatrick, Eric Schumacher - 2022-04-06
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Explore the topic of gender through a gospel-centered lens with Jesus and Gender. Authors Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher challenge traditional teachings on gender roles and call for cooperation rather than competition between men and women. Drawing from both Scripture and personal experience, they show how following Jesus can transform all areas of our lives, from work to relationships. Real-life testimonies from Christians add depth to their perspective, offering a fresh vision for how men and women can work together for God's glory.
Christine Caine
“This book is important because we will reshape our paradigms about relationships between men and women, parents, children, church leaders, and parishioners from the perspective of the gospel” (page 13) Thank you for this powerful book ⁦@ElyseFitz⁩ & ⁦@emschumacher⁩      источник
ReJesus book cover
Remaking the Church in Our Founder's Image [Revised & Updated Edition]
Michael Frost, Alan Hirsch - 2022-02-17
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"Recenter your life on Christ and become a better follower of Jesus - this is the message of ReJesus. In this timely, revised and updated edition, Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch tackle the issue of how followers of Christ have formed him in their own image and co-opted him for their own agendas. The authors call upon readers to examine their relationship with Jesus and to become a people who look, act, think, and sound like him. ReJesus is the clarion call we need to fulfill our spiritual needs and to better serve our communities."
Christine Caine
This book was written for this time. I couldn’t begin to recommend it highly enough. We need to read and re-read this book in this hour!!!      источник
Hearers and Doers book cover
Hearers and Doers
A Pastor's Guide to Making Disciples Through Scripture and Doctrine
Kevin J. Vanhoozer - 2019-05-15
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This book explores the importance of sound, scriptural doctrine in the foundation of discipleship. It argues that pastors should interpret Scripture theologically to articulate doctrine and help cultivate disciples. With striking metaphors and arresting prose, the author highlights the critical role that pastors play in delivering this vital teaching to their communities. A must-read for anyone seeking to make disciples in the modern church.
Christine Caine
This was one of the books that impacted me most in Grad School👇🏼      источник
Bullies and Saints book cover
Bullies and Saints
An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History
John Dickson - 2021-05-11
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Bullies and Saints explores the role of Christianity in society and the impact it has had throughout history. John Dickson provides an honest account of Christianity's mixed history, acknowledging the evils committed by Christians while also highlighting the positive impact of Christ's teachings. This book encourages skeptics to listen to the beautiful melody of Jesus, despite the discord created by past and present Christians, and guides believers towards reflection and repentance for their own role in Christendom's tragic inconsistencies.
Christine Caine
I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Nick and I listened to the audiobook during some long drives, and I listened again on my hike. So grateful for this work @johnpauldickson. My eyes were opened, my heart was broken and my hope renewed. So helpful.      источник
Understanding Spiritual Warfare by Sam Storms
After Doubt by A. J. Swoboda
Love Gave by Quina Aragon
Prayer in the Night by Tish Harrison Warren
Касты by Isabel Wilkerson
CompassionConviction by Justin Giboney
Running for Judge by Tim Fall
Worthy by Elyse Fitzpatrick
The Language of Heaven by Sam Storms
The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis
New American Standard Bible by The Lockman Foundaiton