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Read This Twice

Darren Rowse

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Darren Rowse is an Australian blogger, speaker, consultant and founder of several blogs and blog networks, including ProBlogger.net and digital-photography-school.com. He lives in Melbourne, Australia.
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Best Foot Forward book cover
Best Foot Forward
Adam Hills - 2018-07-31
Рейтинг Goodreads
Get ready to laugh out loud with Best Foot Forward, a charming and witty memoir by Adam Hills. Despite growing up as a shy kid with a prosthetic foot, Adam developed a love for comedy that eventually drove him to pursue stand-up. In this book, he shares his early years on the Australian comedy scene, touring the world's top comedy festivals, and how he coped the first time he bombed on stage. You'll also learn about his experience hosting the 2008 Paralympics, which led to his ongoing hit UK TV show The Last Leg. Best Foot Forward is a lesson in following your heart and discovering that what makes you different also makes you unique.
Darren Rowse
Just finished @adamhillscomedy’s book ‘Best Foot Forward’ - it was brilliant. An optimistic, uplifting, and life giving tale. Thanks Adam for a celebratory couple of days reading. I shall now stumble back into life with a smile on my dial.      источник