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Elayna Fernandez

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Elayna Fernandez is known worldwide for her bestselling books, life-transforming training programs, and highly-acclaimed blog ThePositiveMOM.com, Elayna Fernández is a Latina Storyteller, award-winning Story Strategist, and avid Student of Pain.
5 книг в списке
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Life's Little Instruction Book book cover
Life's Little Instruction Book
511 suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life
Jr. H. Jackson Brown - 2000-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1991)
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511 suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life...
Elayna Fernandez
Do you own a "LIFE'S LITTLE INSTRUCTION BOOK"? I love that mini-companion. My favorite one has to be "Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved." #quotestoliveby #AmazonAffiliate      источник
Walkabout book cover
Diane Sherman - 2011-08-03
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A collection of original poems inspired by the Aboriginal initiation ritual, Walkabout is a tribute to living life limitlessly. Diane Juliette Sherman uses personal experiences to encourage readers to push themselves beyond boundaries and find their calling. The lyrical poems are a journey through the author's past, recounting challenges and the transformative power of life's trials. Intended to both inspire and entertain, Walkabout offers a definitive statement on Sherman's unique perspective as an artist.
Elayna Fernandez
I read this book by Diane Sherman and I really loved it. She's a great writer and her poetry is really interesting. I read it in one sitting at first, but I've also just savored each poem one at a time. Check it out!      источник
Rhinoceros Success book cover
Rhinoceros Success
the Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity
Scott Alexander - 1980-01-01
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Unleash your inner rhinoceros and charge towards your dreams with Author Scott Alexander's guidance in Rhinoceros Success. This motivating book shows how rhinos can teach us to pursue our goals with purpose and determination, inspiring readers to put their all into everything they do. If you're ready to awaken your inner rhino and make the most of your potential, Rhinoceros Success is the book for you.
Elayna Fernandez
I was given this book by one of my college professors. Rhinoceros Success is a powerful tool to overcome obstacles and it was just what I needed to carry me through the hardship and tragedy of those days. aff link:      источник
Bear Grylls
The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot book cover
The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot
Josh Gottsegen - 2020-06-23
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"Join Rockford T. Honeypot on an incredible journey beyond the forest he calls home. After a mistake costs his family their hazelnut business, the shy and bookish chipmunk sets out to live the life of adventure he always dreamed of. From discovering exotic cuisines to falling in love and even training with warrior monks, follow Rockford's epic tale of perseverance, hardship, and luck."
Elayna Fernandez
Please read #RockfordTHoneypot if you haven’t done so already! It is the best book for not only children but adults too!      источник
How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk book cover
How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk
John van Epp - 2008-03-19 (впервые опубликовано в 2006)
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Discover the key to choosing the right life partner in "How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk." This insightful book, written by a relationship expert with years of research on marital happiness, helps readers break destructive dating patterns and find the love they deserve. By asking the right questions and judging character based on compatibility and relationship skills, readers can avoid falling for the wrong person and build a healthy, long-lasting relationship. Don't miss out on this must-read book!
Elayna Fernandez
I'm reading an amazing book by Dr. John Van Epp and it's been very enlightening! He teaches we should ✨never go further in one bonding area than you have gone in the previous✨ and calls this the basic rule of 💞safe relationships.💞 👈🏼 #ad #collegemom      источник