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Glenn Kirschner

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Glenn L. Kirschner is an American attorney and former U.S. Army prosecutor who is NBC News/MSNBC legal analyst.
4 книг в списке
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The Chickenshit Club book cover
The Chickenshit Club
Why the Justice Department Fails to Prosecute Executives
Jesse Eisinger - 2017-07-11
Рейтинг Goodreads
This book delves into the reasons why no bankers were jailed after the financial crisis and why CEOs seem to escape punishment for wrongdoing. In a fast-paced, eye-opening look at the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission, Jesse Eisinger provides a clear and detailed glimpse into the evolution of the government's approach to corporate crime. With insider references and revealing looks into trading desks, corporate boardrooms, and the offices of prosecutors and FBI agents, this book is a wake-up call and a chilling read.
Glenn Kirschner
Convictions are NEVER guaranteed. If we have sufficient evidence to indict & go to trial, we must do so even if there is a chance of an acquittal. Hence, it’s more important to try cases than to win cases. See also the book, “The Chickenshit Club” by @eisingerj      источник
Lincoln on Leadership book cover
Lincoln on Leadership
Executive Strategies for Tough Times
Donald T. Phillips - 1993-02-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
Learn how to be a successful leader with lessons from Abraham Lincoln's diverse leadership abilities. In Lincoln on Leadership, you'll discover how to seize the initiative, provide job security, and encourage risk-taking while avoiding issuing orders. With insights from Lincoln's presidency, this book provides valuable advice for running your organization in today's complex world.
Glenn Kirschner
I’m a Lincoln devotee as well, my friend. In fact, my leadership/management/supervision bible is a modest little book, “Lincoln on Leadership.” Distills episodes from Lincoln’s life into leadership principles. I give copies out like Halloween candy. Lessons are invaluable.      источник
Битва за космос book cover
Битва за космос
Tom Wolfe - 2004-05-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1979)
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Документальный роман классика американской литературы Тома Вулфа в доступной и увлекательной форме рассказывает о событиях конца 1950-х - 1960-х годов, когда "холодная война" между двумя сверхдержавами, СССР и США, вышла на новый виток - началась битва за освоение космического пространства… Рассказ о подготовке и запуске в космос 7 первых американских астронавтов, которые в прошлом почти все были летчиками-испытателями. Много внимания уделяется описанию политической обстановки, в романе постоянно фигурируют Хрущев и Кеннеди. "Битва за космос" - это рассказ о том, почему люди так стремятся к невероятному риску (и даже им наслаждаются) во времена, которые писатели давно уже окрестили эпохой антигероя." Том Вулф
Glenn Kirschner
@KatieOGrady4 Thank you, Katie. Loved that book - The Right Stuff.      источник
Shortest Way Home book cover
Shortest Way Home
One Mayor's Challenge and a Model for America's Future
Pete Buttigieg - 2019-02-12
Рейтинг Goodreads
This inspiring memoir tells the story of Pete Buttigieg, the visionary mayor of South Bend, Indiana who transformed a "dying city" into a shining model of urban reinvention. Interweaving two narratives of his personal and political journey, Buttigieg recounts growing up in a Rust Belt city, studying at Harvard and Oxford, and returning to Indiana to revive a once-great industrial city. With gripping stories of confronting gun violence and attracting tech companies to the city, while also coming out and finding love in a conservative state, Shortest Way Home challenges our perception of American politicians and provides a new vision for America's future.
Glenn Kirschner
@gingersforpete @PeteButtigieg @FrankBruni I already read Pete’s book (and tweeted out several compelling passages). It was an excellent read.      источник
Lisa Bloom