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Janet Mock

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Janet Mock is an American writer, television host, director, producer and transgender rights activist. Her debut book, the memoir Redefining Realness, became a New York Times bestseller. She is a contributing editor for Marie Claire and a former staff editor of People magazine's website.
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Unapologetic book cover
A Black, Queer, and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements
Charlene Carruthers - 2018-08-28
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Unapologetic is a powerful manifesto challenging traditional social justice norms, and reimagining the Black Radical Tradition, drawing on intellectual and grassroots organizing traditions. This book empowers the reader to take principled action with a vision for how social justice movements can become sharper, more effective and transformative. Followers of the Chicago model of activism will appreciate the long-term commitment, cultural sensitivity, creative strategizing, and multiple cross-group alliances outlined in this book. Unapologetic provides a clear framework for young activists to become visionary leaders in building transformative power.
Janet Mock
Do yourself a favor and order @CharleneCac’s brilliant, empassioned and informed book. It’ll make you better. Trust!      источник