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Jerome R. Corsi

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Jerome Robert Corsi is an American author, political commentator, and conspiracy theorist. His two New York Times best-selling books, Unfit for Command and The Obama Nation, attacked Democratic presidential candidates and have been criticized for including numerous inaccuracies.
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GameChanger book cover
Trump Card
Erbil Gunasti - 2020-01-28
Discover an eye-opening book that explores the impact of Muslim migration on Western civilization. Can Donald Trump and Recep Tayyip Erdogan work together to prevent Western countries from falling behind China, India, Indonesia, and Turkey? In GameChanger, author Erbil Gunasti paints a vivid picture of the possible consequences of our changing world, and what may need to happen to establish a new balance of power. Don't miss this timely and thought-provoking read.
Jerome R. Corsi
Very important book by Erbil Gunasti, "GameChanger: Trump Card: Turkey & Erdogan." Remember, my Ph.D. is in political science. Gunasti mirrors my own thinking he is writing what I have been saying about Turkey for years. @realDonaldTrump MUST READ #KAG2020      источник
Open Borders Inc. book cover
Open Borders Inc.
Who's Funding America's Destruction?
Michelle Malkin - 2019-09-10
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the shocking truth behind the open borders and mass migration lobby in Michelle Malkin's latest book, Open Borders Inc. Follow the money and uncover the globalist elites, Silicon Valley, and the radical Left conspiring to undo the rule of law in the name of profit and compassion. Malkin exposes politicians, church leaders, and social justice militants who benefit from mass, uncontrolled immigration both legal and illegal. Prepare to be both enlightened and infuriated as Malkin names the powerful forces working to erase America.
Jerome R. Corsi
Strongly recommend Michelle Malkin's new book OPEN BORDERS, INC, Who's Funding America's Destruction - especially good on Soros funding hard-left "non-profits" & other NGOs in globalist plot to erode USA sovereignty and undermine USA constitution MUST READ      источник