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Josh Marshall

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Joshua Micah Jesajan-Dorja Marshall is an American journalist and blogger who founded Talking Points Memo, which in 2004 The New York Times Magazine called "one of the most popular and most respected sites" in the blogosphere.
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The Conquest of America book cover
The Conquest of America
Todorov - 1999-03-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1982)
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Explore the fascinating clash of cultures that occurred during the Spanish conquest of America in this thought-provoking book. Todorov's original interpretation sheds light on the colonization, destruction, and deep cultural implications of the Spaniards' arrival in Mexico and the Caribbean. Drawing from sixteenth-century sources, Todorov examines the beliefs and actions of both the Spanish conquistadors and the Aztecs, revealing the devastating impact this encounter had on Mesoamerica's Indian population.
Josh Marshall
@JonathanLKrohn great book      источник
The Protestant Temperament book cover
The Protestant Temperament
Philip J. Greven - 1977-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2013)
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Discover the psychological and social effects that religion and piety had on early American life in this groundbreaking exploration of the three distinct Protestant groups of the 17th and 18th centuries. Using evidence from family papers of famous theologians, political figures, lawyers, and ministers, as well as lesser-known contemporaries, Philip Greven explores the attitudes towards God, children, the will, the body, sexuality, achievement, pleasure, virtue, and selfhood within the evangelical, moderate, and genteel groups. A fascinating and illuminating interpretation of the American Protestant experience.
Josh Marshall
@yeselson @agordonreed a bit distant from this but there’s a wonderful book called the Protestant Temperament. About evolving theories of child rearing in the 17th/18th. Never really got respect in the history field because it was so psych based. But a quite wonderful book that gets at some of this.      источник
Catch and Kill book cover
Catch and Kill
Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators
Ronan Farrow - 2019-10-15
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This gripping and eye-opening book delves into the world of Hollywood's predators and the cabal of powerful interests that protect them at any cost. Investigative journalist Ronan Farrow uncovers the disturbing tactics of surveillance and intimidation deployed by wealthy and connected men to silence victims of abuse and evade accountability. A thrilling and meticulous work of investigative journalism that is sure to have an impact.
Josh Marshall
Just finished reading Ronan Farrows Catch and Kill book for a book project I’m working on. Man, it is a really, **really** good book. Not even talking abt the original reporting, which we know abt, but just as a piece of writing & story-telling. Like masterful.      источник
Zooey Deschanel
Chants Democratic book cover
Chants Democratic
New York City and the Rise of the American Working Class, 1788-1850, 20th Anniversary Edition
Sean Wilentz - 2004-10-07 (впервые опубликовано в 1984)
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This classic narrative explores early industrialization in New York and the dramatic social and intellectual changes that accompanied it. The author delves into New York City's labor strife, social movements, and political turmoil during the eras of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson. The recently added preface offers new insights and reflections on the rise of the American working class.
Josh Marshall
@yeselson @NicholasGuyatt Basically agree on all this thread. And Sean's career arc is remarkable. I mean, Chants Democratic is an incredibly important book. I agree on the accusation of Ahabism, though I do think his critics here undermine themselves by digging on the causes of the rev argument.      источник
The Republic of St. Peter book cover
The Republic of St. Peter
The Birth of the Papal State, 680-825 (The Middle Ages Series)
Thomas F. X. Noble - 1986-08-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1984)
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This book presents a bold argument about the early Republic of Central Italy, challenging the traditional belief that it was a Frankish creation. Noble delves into the political, economic, and religious reasons behind the Republic's founding and covers its unique social structures and governance. A provocative and comprehensive exploration of a little-known part of Italy's history.
Josh Marshall
Wait, you're across the hall from Tom Noble? His Republic of St. Peter book is awesome.      источник
Greek and Roman Artillery book cover
Greek and Roman Artillery
Technical Treatises (Oxford University Press Academic Monograph Reprints)
E. W. Marsden - 1971-12-31
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Discover the mechanical progress in Greek and Roman artillery over five hundred years with this book! It includes five Greek and Latin treatises, each with an English translation and extensive notes containing explanatory diagrams that reconstruct the machines. Other chapters discuss and reconstruct the 4th-century ballista and the onager based on various sources.
Josh Marshall
This is definitely the first book that has brought together my interest in ancient history, ancient languages and woodworking.      источник