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Kamal Ravikant

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Kamal Ravikant is the author of the bestselling books, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It and Live Your Truth. He's been a US Army Infantry soldier, held the hands of dying patients, climbed in the Himalayas, spoken to audiences around the globe, walked 550 miles across Spain, meditated with Tibetan monks, and has worked with some of the best people in Silicon Valley. But more than anything, he is passionate about writing books that improve lives.
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Алхимик book cover
25th Anniversary Edition
Paulo Coelho - 2014-04-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1988)
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"Алхимик" - самый известный роман бразильского писателя Пауло Коэльо, любимая книга миллионов людей во всем мире. В юности люди не боятся мечтать, все кажется им возможным. Но проходит время, и таинственная сила принимается им внушать, что их желания неосуществимы. "Добиться воплощения Своей Судьбы - вот единственная подлинная обязанность человека..." - утверждает Пауло Коэльо. Этот, ставший культовым, роман-притча способен изменить жизнь своих читателей.
Kamal Ravikant
Actually, The Alchemist by @paulocoelho is my favorite book :)      источник
The End of Alzheimer's book cover
The End of Alzheimer's
The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline
Dale Bredesen - 2017-08-22
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Learn how to prevent and even reverse Alzheimer's Disease and cognitive decline with this paradigm-shifting book. Revealing that AD is not one condition, but three, the author outlines 36 metabolic factors that can trigger "downsizing" in the brain. Learn how to rebalance these factors using lifestyle modifications and see impressive results. The End of Alzheimer's offers new hope to a broad audience with a fascinating look inside the science and a complete step-by-step plan that fundamentally changes how we treat and even think about AD.
Kamal Ravikant
One of the most important books I’ve read this year - a must read if you care about your health.      источник