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Lloyd Kaufman

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Stanley Lloyd Kaufman Jr. is an American film director, producer, screenwriter, and actor. With producer Michael Herz, he is the co-founder of Troma Entertainment film studio, and the director of many of their feature films, such as The Toxic Avenger and Tromeo and Juliet.
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The Brothers Mankiewicz book cover
The Brothers Mankiewicz
Hope, Heartbreak, and Hollywood Classics (Hollywood Legends Series)
Sydney Ladensohn Stern - 2019-10-02
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This book takes a deep dive into the lives and careers of Herman and Joseph Mankiewicz, two of Hollywood's most successful and troubled brothers. Despite winning Oscars and working on iconic films like Citizen Kane and All About Eve, Herman and Joseph always longed for a different type of success in New York theater. The book explores their successes, failures, and personal lives, using interviews, letters, and diaries to offer a unique look at two complex men.
Lloyd Kaufman
This #book is far better than the lamo #Netflix #series @missannabiller @Karaszewski @JamesGunn @starburstmartin @KansasUnreal @seanmfennick @AbeFromanKing @Real_Dr_Hanz      источник
Make Your Own Damn Movie! book cover
Make Your Own Damn Movie!
Secrets of a Renegade Director
Lloyd Kaufman - 2003-04-05
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"Make Your Own Damn Movie!" is a guide to independent film-making from the legendary writer, producer, and director of cult-classics like The Toxic Avenger and Tromeo and Juliet. With over 25 years of experience building Troma Studios into a bastion of cinematic independence, Kaufman offers readers insight into scriptwriting, financing, directing, marketing, and more. Learn how to create special effects for just $0.79, network at film festivals, and make a bad actor good in this entertaining, informative, and off-the-wall guide to making your own damn movie.
Lloyd Kaufman
@blinkist @ThisIsSethsBlog Read MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN MOVIE! Corona Free Book & @watchTromaNow ( 1st mo FREE!) are perfect Quarantine ENTERTAINMENT! @Troma_Team @VadaCallisto @GroovyBruce @GroovyWitch666 @A_B_Clements @AbeFromanKing @mercedesthemuse @RamziAbed @TonyNewton1 @VHSMassacre @moorehn @MaxJampole      источник