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Meghan McCain

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Meghan Marguerite McCain is an American conservative columnist, author, and television personality. She has worked for ABC News, Fox News, and MSNBC.
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Pear Shaped book cover
Pear Shaped
The Funniest Book So Far This Year About Brain Cancer
Adam Blain - 2015-03-11
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"Pear Shaped" is a moving memoir about a 44-year-old London lawyer who finds himself in the emergency room, but not for the reasons he expected. This true story follows his journey through a difficult medical diagnosis and how it impacts his personal life as a family man.
Meghan McCain
Wanted to share this book “Pear Shaped” - the author Adam Blain has #GlioblastomaMultiforme brain cancer just like my father - thank you for bringing dark humor to something so hard. 🍐🍐🍐      источник