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Michael J. Knowles

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Michael J. Knowles is an American conservative political commentator, podcaster, actor, and author.
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The Book of Revelation Made Clear book cover
The Book of Revelation Made Clear
A Down-to-Earth Guide to Understanding the Most Mysterious Book of the Bible
Tim Lahaye - 2014-07-15
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The Book of Revelation can be difficult to understand, but Bible scholar Tim LaHaye and puzzle master Timothy E. Parker offer a guided tour to make it easily comprehensible. This book covers every verse of Revelation, using a method designed for maximum learning and retention. With pre-quizzes, explanations, and repetition, readers will be amazed at how well they can absorb and retain the teachings. Discover the richness of Revelation and its God-breathed, life-changing power to deepen your walk of faith.
Michael J. Knowles
@realtruthcactus It can be quite confusing. The 1962 Missal offers helpful notes on the scriptural basis for many "smells and bells" aspects of the Mass. It may even be said that the Book of Revelation offers the most mystical and comprehensive guide to the liturgy.      источник
By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed book cover
By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed
A Catholic Defense of Capital Punishment
Edward Feser - 2017-05-10
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This book delves into the Catholic Tradition regarding the death penalty, arguing that it is not inherently wrong and can be a just form of punishment in certain cases. Drawing upon various philosophical, scriptural, theological, and social scientific arguments, the authors demonstrate that the Church's traditional teaching on the death penalty is a safeguard to society. By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed challenges contemporary Catholics to engage in a thoughtful analysis of the current debate about the death penalty.
Michael J. Knowles
Saints Paul, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, et al. managed to do it. Here's a good book on the topic:      источник
Декамерон book cover
Giovanni Boccaccio - 2003-04-29 (впервые опубликовано в 1349)
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Джованни Боккаччо — величайший итальянский писатель эпохи Возрождения, стоявший у истоков возникновения ренессансной культуры наряду с Петраркой и Данте. Боккаччо заложил основы новой поэтики, пасторали и эпической поэмы, однако всемирную славу он получил благодаря сборнику новелл «Декамерон», представленному в данной книге. Название сборника переводится как «десятиднев». Ровно десять дней герои Боккаччо, десять юношей и девушек, покинувших родной город из-за эпидемии чумы, рассказывают друг другу анекдотичные, волшебные, занимательные, поучительные, трагические и эротические истории. Сто новелл, рассказанные героями «Декамерона» на протяжении дk
Michael J. Knowles
If you're looking for the perfect quarantine read, there's no better book than that classic and hilarious work of plague literature, Boccaccio's Decameron.      источник
The Virtue of Nationalism book cover
The Virtue of Nationalism
Yoram Hazony - 2018-09-04
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This thought-provoking book by a leading conservative thinker argues that nationalism is the only realistic safeguard of liberty in today's world. It explores the crucial debate of whether we should fight for international government or keep our nations independent and self-determined. The author contends that a world of sovereign nations is the only choice for those who care about personal and collective freedom. Through historical accounts, he shows how a love of national independence brought freedom to diverse peoples, and argues that we must restore this tradition to limit conflict, promote innovation and allow human difference to flourish.
Michael J. Knowles
You should read the book and find out why your analysis is so mistaken:      источник