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Mira Nair

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Mira Nair is an Indian-American filmmaker based in New York City. Her production company, Mirabai Films, specializes in films for international audiences on Indian society, whether in the economic, social or cultural spheres.
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City of Djinns book cover
City of Djinns
A Year in Delhi
William Dalrymple - 2003-03-25 (впервые опубликовано в 1993)
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"City of Djinns" by William Dalrymple takes readers on a journey through the centuries-old history of Delhi, uncovering fascinating characters and exploring the city's seven "dead" cities as well as its modern eighth city. Along the way, the author shares stories about eunuchs, descendants of great Moguls, and the legend of djinns - fire-formed spirits that assure the city's regeneration. With a perfect blend of research and adventure, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in Delhi's rich history and culture.
Mira Nair
One of my fave books ever      источник
Twinkle Khanna