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Mohnish Pabrai

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Mohnish Pabrai is an Indian-American businessman, investor, and philanthropist.
9 книг в списке
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Roy Thomson of Fleet Street book cover
Roy Thomson of Fleet Street
Russell Braddon
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Mohnish Pabrai
Terrific read. Part 1 of the Trilogy      источник
TrendWatching book cover
Don't Be Fooled by the Next Investment Fad, Mania, or Bubble
Ron Insana - 2002-11-05
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Learn how to anticipate financial booms and busts with TrendWatching. Author Ron Insana shows readers how to recognize key signs and indicators in financial markets so that they can make informed investment decisions. By delving deep into the history of American investing, Insana reveals patterns of bubbles and trends that repeat themselves time and again. Don't follow the herd; find your own way to investment success.
Mohnish Pabrai
One of my favorite books      источник
The Prize book cover
The Prize
The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power
Daniel Yergin - 1993-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1991)
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Explore the global pursuit of oil, money, and power in this Pulitzer Prize-winning account. Discover the history of oil and its current impact on global energy crisis. With over 300,000 copies in print and updated to reflect current times, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the world's dependence on oil.
Mohnish Pabrai
One of my favorite books. Yergin rocks!      источник
Patrick OShaughnessyGeoffrey Miller
City of Djinns book cover
City of Djinns
A Year in Delhi by William Dalrymple (30-Apr-1996) Paperback
unknown author
Mohnish Pabrai
City of Djinns by @DalrympleWill is one of my all time favorite books . He is a gifted writer and observer.      источник
Has China Won? book cover
Has China Won?
The Chinese Challenge to American Primacy
Kishore Mahbubani - 2020-03-31
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This book delves into the defining geopolitical struggle of our time: China versus the US. With little natural empathy, both superpowers view each other across the Pacific with wariness. The author, a diplomat and scholar with unparalleled policy access in Beijing and Washington, offers an honest appraisal of their respective strengths, weaknesses, and eccentricities.
Mohnish Pabrai
It is a wonderful book.      источник
How to Get Rich book cover
How to Get Rich
One of the World's Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets
Felix Dennis - 2007-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2008)
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Learn from the expert on how to create a successful business empire and become wealthy. In How to Get Rich, the author shares personal insights and lessons learned from creating a publishing empire and becoming one of the richest people in the UK. This isn't your typical get-rich-quick guide - the author doesn't peddle investment tips or motivational slogans. Instead, he wants to help readers embrace entrepreneurship and shares valuable lessons on topics like the dangers of a regular paycheck and the importance of ownership. With a refreshing and humorous tone, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to build their own successful career.
Mohnish Pabrai
The title is corny but it is an excellent book on entrepreneurship. Up there with The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses by Amar Bhide      источник
The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses book cover
The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses
Amar V. Bhide - 2003-10-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1999)
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Explore the mysteries of entrepreneurship with this landmark study that integrates over a decade of intensive research and modern business and economic theories. Discover a comprehensive framework that offers new and penetrating insights into the humble improvisation typical of successful ventures, which often begins with small, uncertain opportunities, without the backing of substantial venture capital, market research, or breakthrough technologies. Learn why coping with ambiguity and surprises, face-to-face selling, and making do with second-tier employees is more important than foresight, deal-making, or recruiting top-notch teams. This book is essential for entrepreneurs, executives, and scholars alike.
Mohnish Pabrai
The title is corny but it is an excellent book on entrepreneurship. Up there with The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses by Amar Bhide      источник
Am I Being Too Subtle? book cover
Am I Being Too Subtle?
Straight Talk From a Business Rebel
Sam Zell - 2017-05-09
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Entrepreneur Sam Zell shares the unconventional and surprising stories behind his successful real estate empire and provides a road map for aspiring entrepreneurs. Discover how Zell grew his Equity Group network from scratch and expanded his businesses across different industries, leading to his undeniable self-made billionaire status. Through his characteristic no-nonsense approach, Zell provides valuable business insights, including the importance of simplicity and liquidity, and the dangers of perfectionism. Get inspired to zig while others zag and take your business to the next level.
Mohnish Pabrai
I am loving Zell's book. Great to hear on Audible in Sam's own voice.      источник
Nuts! book cover
Southwest Airlines' Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success
Kevin Freiberg - 1998-02-17 (впервые опубликовано в 1995)
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Discover the secrets behind Southwest Airlines' incredible success story in "Nuts!" by Kevin and Jackie Freiberg. This book explores how Herb Kelleher reinvented air travel 25 years ago with Southwest, turning a profit for 24 consecutive years and becoming the safest airline in the world. With unlimited access to inside documents and people at Southwest, "Nuts!" gives insight into the company's unique brand of business success and how to apply it to your own life and business.
Mohnish Pabrai
Sure. Many books on $LUV. And HBS Cases Must understand the culture.      источник