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Read This Twice

Paul Waldman

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Paul Waldman is a liberal / progressive American op-ed columnist and senior writer for The American Prospect, as well as a contributor to The Week and a blogger for the Washington Post's Plum Line blog.
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Tootle book cover
Gertrude Crampton - 2001-02-12 (впервые опубликовано в 1945)
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Explore the adventures of Tootle, a lively train who adores chasing butterflies through fields in this timeless Little Golden Book. Tootle aspires to be a Flyer running between New York and Chicago, but he must first learn to stick to the tracks.
Paul Waldman
As long as we're revisiting Dr. Seuss, we ought to take a look at "Tootle," the beloved 1945 book about a plucky little train that is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT a story meant to convince little boys not to be gay. Come with me on this appalling journey...      источник