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Scott Johnson

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Scott Blaine Johnson is an American cartoonist, illustrator, designer and podcaster. He lives in South Jordan, Utah, with his wife and three children. In 2008, Johnson launched Frog Pants Studios, LLC, an illustration and audio production company.
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Year Zero Vol. 2 book cover
Year Zero Vol. 2
Benjamin Percy - 2021-05-25
Рейтинг Goodreads
Four chilling tales of survival in a post apocalyptic world await you in Year Zero Vol. 2. Join a Norwegian sea captain and her grandchildren, a Colombian cartel boss, a Rwandan doctor, and a pregnant woman as they navigate the dangers of the undead and more. Written by Benjamin Percy and illustrated by Juan Jose Ryp and Frank Martin, this global look at the zombie apocalypse is not to be missed.
Scott Johnson
Binged ‘Year Zero’ volumes 1 and 2 tonight. Amazing comic book that has one of the freshest takes in the zombie genre I’ve ever read. Fantastic.      источник
Year Zero book cover
Year Zero
Benjamin Percy - 2020-10-20
Рейтинг Goodreads
Year Zero takes a global perspective on the Zombie Apocalypse through the stories of five diverse survivors. From a Japanese hitman to a Mexican street urchin, they draw upon their unique skills to navigate a world of shambling dead. This epic tale by Benjamin Percy and Ramon Rosanas raises tough moral and theological questions about the pandemic and its possible cure.
Scott Johnson
Binged ‘Year Zero’ volumes 1 and 2 tonight. Amazing comic book that has one of the freshest takes in the zombie genre I’ve ever read. Fantastic.      источник
Царство небесное book cover
Царство небесное
Mark Waid - 1997-10-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1996)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Супергерои вездесущи, но героизм встречается все реже… Десятилетиями решая самые острые проблемы Земли, члены Лиги Справедливости в конце концов отошли в тень. Однако пришедшее им на смену новое поколение борцов с преступностью вселяет в людей больше ужаса, нежели уверенности в завтрашнем дне. И снова будущее планеты оказывается под угрозой. Тогда Супермен, Чудо-Женщина и Бэтмен должны снова взяться за дело, чтобы в последней битве отстоять истину и справедливость!
Scott Johnson
@MarkDykeman Would be my 12th read. I LOVE that book.      источник
Batman book cover
The Dark Knight
Frank Miller - 2017-09-19
Рейтинг Goodreads
The highly anticipated sequel to a groundbreaking comic book series is finally here! In BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT: MASTER RACE, Frank Miller returns to his iconic take on Batman, introducing a new chapter to his beloved saga. Miller's story continues a world left in disarray after the toppling of Lex Luthor and Batman's apparent death. Who will save Gotham City against the mysterious Master Race? This graphic novel also features nine mini-comics that delve deeper into the Dark Knight's world. Don't miss out on this epic addition to the Batman legacy!
Scott Johnson
@acedtect @anxiety_wins From what I hear that is what they are aiming for. Awesome book btw.      источник
Naval RavikantMitch Gerads