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Sean Hannity

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Sean Patrick Hannity is an American talk show host and conservative political commentator. Hannity is the host of The Sean Hannity Show, a nationally syndicated talk radio show. He also hosts a commentary program, Hannity, on Fox News.
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Make America Healthy Again book cover
Make America Healthy Again
How Bad Behavior and Big Government Caused a Trillion-Dollar Crisis
Nicole Saphier - 2020-04-21
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Take control of your health and fix the American healthcare system - that's the message from radiologist and healthcare advocate, Nicole Saphier. She argues that we must first take responsibility for our individual health and reduce the astronomical cost of treatment. In this eye-opening book, Saphier offers concrete solutions to address our nation's biggest health problems, from heart disease to mental health, and urges Americans to make better lifestyle choices for a healthier future. It's time to stop expecting doctors to fix preventable behaviors and start taking action to "Make America Healthy Again."
Sean Hannity
Great read from Dr. Nicole Saphier, "Make America Healthy Again"      источник