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Sebastian Thrun

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Sebastian Thrun is an entrepreneur, educator, and computer scientist from Germany. He is CEO of Kitty Hawk Corporation, and chairman and co-founder of Udacity.
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Brotopia book cover
Breaking Up the Boys' Club of Silicon Valley
Emily Chang - 2018-02-06
Рейтинг Goodreads
Get an inside look at the toxic culture of Silicon Valley in this exposé, where it’s a "Brotopia" and men hold all the power. From discrimination to sexual harassment, journalist Emily Chang draws on her insider connections to reveal how women have been shut out of the greatest wealth creation in history. Learn about the high-profile gender discrimination lawsuit against Kleiner Perkins, the aggressive culture of venture capital firms like Sequoia, and more. Hear from women including Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, who know firsthand how hard it is to break the Silicon Ceiling. It’s time to take down Brotopia and create a more inclusive tech world.
Sebastian Thrun
Just finished reading #Brotopia . Amazing book with lots of learnings. The USA has always led the way in civil rights and inclusive thinking. This book is a painful reminder there is still lots of work to do. Thank you @emilychangtv .      источник
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