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Sergei Guriev

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Sergey M. Guriyev is a Russian economist, a professor of economics at the Instituts d'études politiques in Paris. In 2016-19, he was the chief economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
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This thought-provoking book highlights the power shift caused by technology between the public and elite institutions. The author analyzes how digital devices and the vast information sphere sparked insurgencies across the globe, mobilizing millions of ordinary people. The updated edition takes a look at current political events, including Donald Trump's election and Brexit, and ponders whether the current elite class can reform the democratic process. A must-read for those interested in politics and technology.
Sergei Guriev
On page 1, we do refer to @mgurri "Revolt of the Public" main thesis (quoting his 2018 edition's pp. 90-91). His argument also helps us make sense of the main result (as we discuss in section 4.2). This is indeed a great book, highly recommended!      источник
Tyler CowenJeffrey SnoverChris Fralic
Voices from Chernobyl book cover
Voices from Chernobyl
Svetlana Alexievich - 2006-04-18 (впервые опубликовано в 1997)
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This book brings the voices of the people of Belarus to life, sharing first-hand accounts of what happened during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Svetlana Alexievich interviewed hundreds of individuals affected by the meltdown, including firefighters, disaster-cleanup technicians, and innocent citizens. In this monologue-style book, readers gain an inside view into the minds of those who lived through the fear, anger, and uncertainty caused by the worst nuclear reactor accident in history. No spin, no accusations, and no summary judgment- just raw and powerful accounts of the pain and aftermath of the tragedy.
Sergei Guriev
Chairing the @Pushkin_House book prize jury has been just great! The tragic part of this job was that we could only select 1 winner. But we did choose an excellent book - and we actually made the choice before the #ChernobylHBO series by @clmazin !      источник
Maria SharapovaCaterina Fake
Economics Rules book cover
Economics Rules
The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science
Dani Rodrik - 2016-10-11 (впервые опубликовано в 2015)
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Discover the power of economics in this masterfully argued book. Economist Dani Rodrik takes a close look at the history of the field and argues that economics can be a powerful tool for improving the world—but only if we abandon universal theories in favor of context-specific models. With insights applicable to everything from global inequality to public policy, this book charts a path toward a more humble but effective science.
Sergei Guriev
The second day of the #7daysbookchallenge : the best book about modern economics, about what it can and cannot deliver is Dani Rodrik’s “Economics Rules: The Righths and Wrongs of the Dismal Sciences”      источник