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Susan J. Fowler

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Susan Joy Fowler is an American writer and software engineer known for her role in influencing institutional changes in how Uber and Silicon Valley companies treat sexual harassment. Her business celebrity led to book and Hollywood film deals based on her experience
64 книг в списке
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Fourier Series book cover
Fourier Series
Georgi P. Tolstov - 1976-06-01
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This reputable translation covers trigonometric Fourier series, orthogonal systems, double Fourier series, Bessel functions, the Eigenfunction method and its applications to mathematical physics, operations on Fourier series, and much more. Over 100 problems at ends of chapters. Answers in back of book. 1962 edition....
Susan J. Fowler
(This is a great book btw, one of the best      источник
The Essential Peter S. Beagle, Volume 1 book cover
The Essential Peter S. Beagle, Volume 1
Lila the Werewolf and Other Stories
Peter S. Beagle - 2023-05-16
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The essential first volume of bestselling author Peter S. Beagle’s (The Last Unicorn) short stories demonstrates why he is one of America’s most influential fantasists. With his celebrated versatility, humor, and grace, Beagle is at home in a dazzling variety of subgenres. Evoking comparison to such iconic authors as Twain, Tolkien, Carroll, L’Engl...
Susan J. Fowler
Book 4: The Essential Peter S Beagle, Volume 1 5/5, one of the best collections of short stories I’ve ever read (maybe even the best).      источник
Fermat's Last Theorem book cover
Fermat's Last Theorem
Unlocking the Secret of an Ancient Mathematical Problem
Amir D Aczel - 1997-09-08 (впервые опубликовано в 1996)
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Over three hundred years ago, a French scholar scribbled a simple theorem in the margin of a book.  It would become the world's most baffling mathematical mystery....
Susan J. Fowler
Book 2: “Fermat’s Last Theorem” by Amir D Aczel 5/5, made me want to throw everything away and spend the rest of my life as a number theorist      источник
Either/Or book cover
Elif Batuman - 2022-05-24
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A continuation of Selin's quest for self-discovery as she tests the limits of her adulthood while traveling abroad. Selin, a Harvard sophomore, is determined to make everything count but has questions about the mysterious events of the summer. Guided by literature and more experienced peers, Selin discovers the importance of parties, alcohol, and sex, and plans to put them into practice at any cost. With a gripping narrative, this novel by an acclaimed author is both hilarious and unforgettable, leaving readers with thought-provoking questions long after the last page.
Susan J. Fowler
first up: still reading Joseph Anton by Salman Rushdie and Either/Or by Elif Batuman, which I started in december. both are extraordinary books that I don’t want to end.      источник
Matthew Yglesias
Joseph Anton book cover
Joseph Anton
A Memoir
Salman Rushdie - 2012-01-01
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This memoir recounts the story of a writer forced into hiding after being sentenced to death for his alleged blasphemy against Islam. The account follows his struggle to keep working and maintain his familial relationships, all under the constant threat of assassination. The memoir also covers his bonds with his protectors and his fight for freedom of speech. Praised for its exceptional honesty, the book is "compelling, affecting, entertaining," and "extraordinary."
Susan J. Fowler
first up: still reading Joseph Anton by Salman Rushdie and Either/Or by Elif Batuman, which I started in december. both are extraordinary books that I don’t want to end.      источник
Goodbye, Again book cover
Goodbye, Again
Essays, Reflections, and Illustrations
Jonny Sun - 2021-04-20
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This collection of personal essays, stories, and poems accompanied by hilarious illustrations is filled with touching and humorous insights into topics such as mental health, happiness, and finding belonging. The author's raw honesty about his own struggles with productivity, anxiety, and depression will deeply connect with readers searching for authenticity and creativity in today's chaotic world. Plus, there's a recipe for scrambled eggs that just might make you cry.
Susan J. Fowler
Thank you @jonnysun. I loved this book. It is perfect.      источник
This study guide includes the following Plot Summary, Chapter Summaries & Analysis, Characters, Objects/Places, Themes, Style, Quotes, and Topics for Discussion....
Susan J. Fowler
@__apf__ My top 4 (really 5) favorites, in order: 1. Blackout and All Clear (two books but really just one big book) 2. To Say Nothing of the Dog 3. Passage 4. Doomsday Book      источник
All Clear book cover
All Clear
A Novel (Oxford Time Travel)
Connie Willis - 2010-10-19
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This time-travel novel takes us back to World War II England, where three Oxford historians are unexpectedly trapped and forced to survive the Blitz. As their actions in the past seemingly alter the outcome of the war, their colleagues in the future are engaged in a frantic search for a way to bring them home. Told with heart and humor, this book celebrates the ordinary acts of heroism and sacrifice that shape history.
Susan J. Fowler
@__apf__ My top 4 (really 5) favorites, in order: 1. Blackout and All Clear (two books but really just one big book) 2. To Say Nothing of the Dog 3. Passage 4. Doomsday Book      источник
Blackout book cover
Connie Willis - 2010-02-02
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Immerse yourself in the chaos of Oxford in 2060, where time-traveling historians are sent to the past. Follow Michael, Merope, and Polly as they prepare for their assignments in Pearl Harbor, VE-day, and London's Blitz. But when the lab suddenly cancels assignments, our heroes face air raids, blackouts, and a growing feeling that history itself is spiraling out of control. Will they be able to maintain their beliefs about the unchangeable nature of the past? Discover the twists and turns of this thrilling time-travel adventure.
Susan J. Fowler
@__apf__ My top 4 (really 5) favorites, in order: 1. Blackout and All Clear (two books but really just one big book) 2. To Say Nothing of the Dog 3. Passage 4. Doomsday Book      источник
Вперед! Вперед! book cover
Вперед! Вперед!
P.D. Eastman's Book of Things That Go
P. D. Eastman - 1961-03-12
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Эта книга - о разноцветных собаках, которые находят себе множество интересных игр и занятий. Написанная ярко и необычно, но в то же время очень просто, она поможет ребёнку сделать первые шаги в самостоятельном чтении.
Susan J. Fowler
Babies love this book. They’re obsessed.      источник
This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub
12 Notes by Quincy Jones
The Method by Isaac Butler
How to Be Perfect by Michael Schur
The Boys by Ron Howard, Clint Howard
A Long Time Ago in a Cutting Room Far, Far Away by Paul Hirsch
Клара и Солнце by Kazuo Ishiguro
Mike Nichols by Mark Harris
But What I Really Want to Do Is Direct by Ken Kwapis
Is This Anything? by Jerry Seinfeld
Голландский дом by Ann Patchett
The Plaza by Julie Satow
Lost Time by Jozef Czapski
Выходное пособие by Ling Ma
Время динозавров by Steve Brusatte
Руководство по выживанию для начинающего актера by Jenna Fischer
Дорога в тысячу ли by Min Jin Lee
The Art of Forgery by Noah Charney
Аннигиляция by Jeff Vandermeer
Анна Каренина by Leo Tolstoy
Песнь Ахилла by Madeline Miller
Истинноверующий by Eric Hoffer
Holy Bible by Esv
Do Unto Otters by Laurie Keller
An Introduction to Political Philosophy by Colin Bird
Сказать жизни "Да!" by Viktor E. Frankl
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
On the Shortness of Life by Seneca
The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis
Эпиктет by Epictetus
Миссис Фрисби и крысы НИПЗ by Robert C. O'Brien
The Republic by Plato
Братья Карамазовы by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Passage by Connie Willis
Пятый персонаж by Robertson Davies
Процесс by Franz Kafka
The Complete Poems by Anne Sexton
Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J. Griffiths
Не считая собаки by Connie Willis
Война и мир by Leo Tolstoy
The Metaphysics of Morals and Ethics by Immanuel Kant
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and It's All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson
Сатанинские стихи by Salman Rushdie
Endymion by Dan Simmons
Как делается кино by Sidney Lumet
The Little Schemer by Daniel P. Friedman
An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory by Michael E. Peskin
Книга Страшного суда by Connie Willis
Дзен в искусстве написания книг by Ray Bradbury
The Aeneid by Virgil
По направлению к Свану by Marcel Proust
The role of the Supreme Court in American government by Archibald Cox
The Elements of New Testament Greek by Jeremy Duff
Plutarch Lives, I, Theseus and Romulus. Lycurgus and Numa. Solon and Publicola by Plutarch