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Read This Twice
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Full circle. A new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
In a world of monotonous horror there could be no salvation in wild dreaming.
He stood there for a moment looking around the silent room, shaking his head slowly. All these books, he thought, the residue of a planet’s intellect, the scrapings of futile minds, the leftovers, the potpourri of artifacts that had no power to save men from perishing.
The keynote of minority prejudice is this: They are loathed because they are feared.
No longer will you be a weird Robinson Crusoe, imprisoned on an island of night surrounded by oceans of death.
The strength of the vampire is that no one will believe in him.
Despite everything he had or might have (except, of course, another human being), life gave no promise of improvement or even of change. The way things shaped up, he would live out his life with no more than he already had. And how many years was that? Thirty, maybe forty if he didn’t drink himself to death. The thought of forty more years of living as he was made him shudder.
To his complete astonishment, he later found himself offering up a stumbling prayer that the dog would be protected. It was a moment in which he felt a desperate need to believe in a God that shepherded his own creations. But, even praying, he felt a twinge of self-reproach, and knew he might start mocking his own prayer at any second. Somehow, though, he managed to ignore his iconoclastic self and went on praying anyway. Because he wanted the dog, because he needed the dog.