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Read This Twice

Цитаты из книги Сожалею о тебе

Relationships are hard for that very reason. Your body and your heart don’t stop finding the beauty and the attraction in other people simply because you’ve made a commitment to one person. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re drawn to someone else, it’s up to you to remove yourself from that situation before it becomes too hard to fight.
Sometimes you have to walk away from the fight in order to win it.
I’m confident that I’ll never spend a single second of my life regretting you.
Right after something tragic happens, you feel like you’ve fallen off a cliff. But after the tragedy starts to sink in, you realize you didn’t fall off a cliff. You’re on an eternal roller coaster that just reached the bottom. Now it’s gonna be up and down and upside down for a long, long time. Maybe even forever.
think it’s time I figure out who I was meant to become before I started living my life for everyone else.
I wonder if humans are the only living creatures that ever feel hollow inside.
You’re a sacrificer. I don’t even know if that’s a real word, but that’s what you are. You do things you don’t want to do to make life better for the people around you. Like being the designated driver. That doesn’t make you boring. It makes you a hero.
I’ve never hated watermelon Jolly Ranchers. I only saved them because I knew they were your favorite.
I’ve believed in you since the moment I met you. I believe in myself now that I’ve finally left you.
Grief is a beast, but it’s also a great excuse.
For some reason, sadness in music eases the sadness in my soul.
Relationships are hard for that very reason. Your body and your heart don’t stop finding the beauty and the attraction in other people simply because you’ve made a commitment to one person. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re drawn to someone else, it’s up to you to remove yourself from that situation before it becomes too hard to fight.
I’m full of all this untapped potential. Sometimes my chest feels hollow, as if I’ve lived a life with nothing significant enough to fill it. My heart is full, but that’s the only part of me that feels any weight.
I guess that happens when you become a mother, though. Your focus is no longer on yourself. Your life becomes all about this beautiful tiny little human you created.
Clara isn’t struggling because Chris is no longer here. She’s struggling because he’s never coming back. There’s a difference.
I just crave you more than I’ve ever craved anything in my life.
I wonder if humans are the only living creatures that ever feel hollow inside. I don’t understand how my body can be full of everything bodies are full of—bones and muscles and blood and organs—yet my chest sometimes feels vacant, as if someone could scream into my mouth and it would echo inside of me.
You know your life is shit when you’re handwashing baby bottles, praying for Armageddon.
I’m content with the direction in which my life is headed, and I know if I obsess over the past, that obsession will only serve to anchor me in a place I am more than ready to move on from.
That emptiness is being replaced with heat and flutters and heartbeats, and I hate it because it feels like I’ve just pinpointed what has caused me to feel so empty these past few weeks. Jonah. Sometimes when we’re alone, he looks at me in a way that makes me feel empty when he looks away. It’s a feeling I’ve never gotten when Chris looks at me. This realization scares me to death.
I think it’s time I figure out who I was meant to become before I started living my life for everyone else.
A band called Sounds of Cedar.
I’m amazed at how such a small touch can cause such a consequential reaction.