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Read This Twice

Цитаты из книги Начни с главного! 1 удивительно простой закон феноменального успеха

Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls-- family, health, friends, integrity-- are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered.
A life worth living might be measured in many ways, but the one way that stands above all others is living a life of no regrets.
Your next step is simple. You are the first domino.
I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.
Extraordinary results happen only when you give the best you have to become the best you can be at your most important work.
It is not that we have too little time to do all the things we need to do , it is that we feel the need to do too many things in the time we have.
Success is actually a short race—a sprint fueled by discipline just long enough for habit to kick in and take over.
You need to be doing fewer things for more effect instead of doing more things with side effects.
The path of mastering something is the combination of not only doing the best you can do at it, but also doing it the best it can be done.
you can become successful with less discipline than you think, for one simple reason: success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right.
Don’t let small thinking cut your life down to size. Think big, aim high, act bold. And see just how big you can blow up your life.
the majority of what you want will come from the minority of what you do.
Imagine life is a game in which you are juggling five balls. The balls are called work, family, health, friends, and integrity. And you’re keeping all of them in the air. But one day you finally come to understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls—family, health, friends, integrity—are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered.
So, if you want to get the most out of your day, do your most important work—your ONE Thing—early, before your willpower is drawn down. Since your self-control will be sapped throughout the day, use it when it’s at full strength on what matters most.
One of the most empowering moments of my life came when I realized that life is a question and how we live it is our answer.