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Серии КнигBobiverse

Серия книг Bobiverse

Книги серии Bobiverse по порядку

The Bobiverse is the story of Robert "Bob" Johansson, who, after becoming financially independent by selling his software company, decides to spend some of his money by contracting to have his head cryonically frozen by CryoEterna Inc. upon his death. The idea is that his head would be preserved until later, when technology permitted a body to be grown and his thawed head attached to it - thus resuming life. The next day he is unexpectedly killed in an automobile accident, and his contract is activated. He wakes up 117 years later and finds that he has been harvested from his frozen disembodied head and installed in a computer matrix as an artificial intelligence.
For We Are Many book cover
Мы — Легион book cover
All These Worlds book cover
4 книг в серии
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Мы — Легион book cover
Книга 1
Мы — Легион
Мы — Боб
Dennis E. Taylor - 2016-09-20
Рейтинг Goodreads
Наши дни. Боб Йоханссон только что продал свою преуспевающую компанию по разработке программного обеспечения и теперь с нетерпением ждет свободной жизни. Есть время для себя: можно путешествовать, можно читать книги, смотреть фильмы и сериалы, играть в видеоигры. Жизнь застрахована в криогенной компании. Но судьба несправедлива, и Боб гибнет на переходе через улицу. 117 лет спустя. Боб просыпается после разморозки и обнаруживает, что труп лишен человеческих прав, и теперь он является собственностью государства. Боба загружают в компьютерную систему, и он становится управляющим ИИ в межзвездном зонде, ищущем планеты для колонизации. Ставки высоки: если он откажется — его удалят, если согласится — станет мишенью для конкурентов. Другие страны тоже запускают зонды, а их ИИ шутить не будут. Самое безопасное место для Боба — в космосе, чем дальше от Земли, тем лучше. По крайней мере, он так думает. Но вселенная полна обитателей, а нарушители границ их бесят — чрезвычайно бесят.
Andreas Klinger
For We Are Many book cover
Книга 2
For We Are Many
Dennis E. Taylor - 2017-04-18
Рейтинг Goodreads
A sentient computer named Bob wakes up after being killed in a car accident and becomes the controlling intelligence for a Von Neumann probe. Bob and his copies have been searching for habitable planets for 40 years, but a system-wide war and other threats have destroyed most of humanity. Bob must navigate newfound responsibility as a sky god and the only hope for saving humanity from extinction.
All These Worlds book cover
Книга 3
All These Worlds
Dennis E Taylor - 2017-08-08
Рейтинг Goodreads
Sentient spaceships, political squabbles, and a fight for humanity's survival - this epic sci-fi novel follows Bob and his clones as they navigate a galaxy filled with danger and adventure. Threatened by the Brazilian probes and a powerful alien species, the Bobs must come together to defend Earth and its colonies. But with some clones more concerned with their own problems, salvation may come from an unlikely source. Will they be able to save humanity before it's too late?
Heaven's River book cover
Книга 4
Heaven's River
Dennis E. Taylor - 2020-09-24
Рейтинг Goodreads
In this epic-length adventure, civil war threatens the Bobiverse as Bob seeks to uncover the fate of his long-lost clone-mate, Bender. But as Bob follows Bender's trail in deep space, he discovers unexpected and potentially universe-saving or threatening complexities. The descendants of the Bobs, generations later, are not all on board with Bob's plans, and out-of-control "moots" add to the challenges. Don't miss this thrilling and thought-provoking book by best-selling author Dennis E. Taylor.