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Манга Orient

Ancient Japanese warriors, invaders from another world, and... motorcycles?! You don't want to miss this crazy, action-packed shonen manga by the creator of Magi!
Orient 2 book cover
Orient 1 book cover
Orient 3 book cover
11 книг в серии
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Orient 1 book cover
Книга 1
Orient 1
Shinobu Ohtaka - 2018-08-17
Рейтинг Goodreads
Teenager Musashi dreams of becoming the greatest warrior in the world and overthrowing the demons who rule his land. But life intervenes, and five years later, he finds himself on the path to becoming a miner. Will he be satisfied with a "normal" life? A shonen action manga from the creator of Magi, Orient 1 explores friendship, loyalty, and the fight against injustice in a world ruled by evil demons.
Orient 2 book cover
Книга 2
Orient 2
Shinobu Ohtaka - 2018-10-17
Рейтинг Goodreads
鬼神は全部!! 俺がぶっ潰す!! 鬼神討伐に燃える武蔵と小次郎。しかし、武田武士団団長・武田尚虎に「炎獄天狗」の首を横取りされてしまった。この悔しさが武蔵の心に火をつける。鬼神を全部倒して、目指すは「天下統一」! 荒れ狂う戦国の世に二人の少年が殴り込む!!...
Orient 3 book cover
Книга 3
Orient 3
Shinobu Ohtaka - 2018-12-17
Рейтинг Goodreads
私がお館様を倒す! 小雨田城に迫る小鬼の群れ。しかし、城主・小雨田英雄は村人たちの避難を許さず、命を賭して戦うことを強いる。圧政から家族を守るため、一世一代の決意をするのは、英雄に屈服していたはずのつぐみだった──。武蔵、小次郎と共にお館様に立ち向かえ!!...
Orient, Vol. 4 book cover
Книга 4
Orient, Vol. 4
Shinobu Ohtaka - 2019-03-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
In Orient, Vol. 4, the fight against the demons intensifies as only demon metal swords can defeat them. Musashi must pass the "katana test" and confront his childhood memories in order to move forward. Join the action as Musashi fights for the future while facing his past.
Orient, Vol. 5 book cover
Книга 5
Orient, Vol. 5
Shinobu Ohtaka - 2019-06-17
Рейтинг Goodreads
Get ready for an action-packed adventure in Orient, Vol. 5! Follow the Kanemaki Band as they face off against the mysterious swordsman Shirou Inukai, who is on a mission to steal katanas. With Musashi, Kojiro, and Tsugumi as the only hope against Inukai's strange power, the obsidian power within Musashi has awakened, and the battle begins. Don't miss out on the incredible action and excitement in this fifth volume of Orient!
Orient, Vol. 6 book cover
Книга 6
Orient, Vol. 6
Shinobu Ohtaka - 2019-08-16
Рейтинг Goodreads
Join the epic battle against a massive Demon God on Awaji Island in this latest installment of the Orient series. Follow captain Tatsuomi Uesugi and his enormous bushi coalition as they gather to destroy the enemy, with Musashi and his companions getting caught up in the fray. From testing resolve to forging unbreakable bonds, experience the intensity of the Awaji Island Reclamation Arc in Orient, Vol. 6.
Orient, Vol. 7 book cover
Книга 7
Orient, Vol. 7
Shinobu Ohtaka - 2019-11-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
Vol. 7 of this manga series follows the Kanemaki Band's efforts to retake Awaji Island. Musashi is separated from Kojiro and Tsugumi and must navigate a power struggle to determine the unit's captain. Don't miss this thrilling installment!
Orient, Vol. 8 book cover
Книга 8
Orient, Vol. 8
Shinobu Ohtaka - 2020-02-17
Рейтинг Goodreads
Vol. 8 of this manga series follows the Kanemaki Band's mission to recover Awaji Island. However, Musashi's weakness is revealed and he must train to link up his blade energy with other bushi. Michiru also joins the training but they become trapped inside an out-of-control crystal. As secrets are exposed, how will Musashi respond? Find out in this action-packed edition.
Orient, Vol. 9 book cover
Книга 9
Orient, Vol. 9
Shinobu Ohtaka - 2020-05-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the epic finale of the Awaji Island arc in Orient, Vol. 9 by Shinobu Ohtaka. In this thrilling installment, the Uesugi Army is left defenseless after a surprise attack, and now their fate depends on Kuroko's strategy and the awakening of the Obsidian Goddess. Will they be able to turn the tide of this critical battle? Find out in this action-packed manga.
Orient, Vol. 10 by Shinobu Ohtaka
Orient, Vol. 11 by Shinobu Ohtaka