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Серии КнигThe Beginning After The End

Серия книг The Beginning After The End

Книги серии The Beginning After The End по порядку

A former King in both martial strength and authority, thrown across time and space into a realm of who knows where and when. Does he have to capability to rise up in this different world starting from the body of a mere infant?
New Heights book cover
Начало после конца book cover
Beckoning Fates book cover
8 книг в серии
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Начало после конца book cover
Книга 1
Начало после конца
Том 1
Turtleme - 2016-01-24
Рейтинг Goodreads
«Начало после конца» — культовая OEL-манга теперь в России! История в жанре азиатского фэнтези исэкай. Интригующий, эпичный комикс с множеством боевых сцен и магией. Король Грей — выдающийся правитель процветающего государства, храбрый воин. Однако богатство и успех не гарантируют счастья и не способны заглушить пустоту и одиночество. Ведь за обликом могущественного короля скрывается человек, давно потерявший смысл жизни. Но ему выпадает второй шанс. Покинув мир культиваторов, Грей перерождается на континенте Дикатен, поделенном на три королевства и населенном монстрами. Накопленный опыт позволяет ему избежать ошибок прошлого и постигать магическую науку с ранних лет. Вот только в мире заклинателей и усилителей начинает зарождаться угроза, способная поставить под сомнение само существование Грея...
New Heights book cover
Книга 2
New Heights
New Heights, Book 2
TurtleMe - 2016-01-24
Рейтинг Goodreads
Enter the world of New Heights, where martial ability is everything. Follow the story of a powerful king with unrivaled strength, wealth, and prestige, but plagued by solitude and a lack of purpose. After being reincarnated into a new world of magic and monsters, he has a chance to correct the mistakes of his past. But a looming threat puts everything he has built at risk, forcing him to question his very reason for being born again.
Beckoning Fates book cover
Книга 3
Beckoning Fates
Beckoning Fates, Book 3
TurtleMe - 2016-04-02
Рейтинг Goodreads
Follow the journey of a powerful king as he navigates a new world filled with magic and monsters, granted a second chance to relive his life. But with unrivaled strength, wealth, and prestige comes great solitude and a lack of purpose. As he corrects the mistakes of his past, the king must also confront an undercurrent threatening to destroy everything he has worked for, questioning his reason for being born again.
Horizon's Edge book cover
Книга 4
Horizon's Edge
Horizon's Edge, Book 4
TurtleMe - 2016-10-30
Рейтинг Goodreads
Get ready for an epic tale of redemption and second chances in the latest volume of a highly coveted series. Follow the journey of a once-great king as he navigates his newfound life with the chance to correct his mistakes and fulfill his regrets. With unrivaled strength and fame, he'll prove that even in solitude, one can rise to true greatness. Don't miss out on this thrilling adventure!
Convergence book cover
Книга 5
Convergence, Book 5
TurtleMe - 2017-09-02
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Convergence" explores the life of a powerful king who finds himself reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters. The book delves into the themes of loneliness, purpose, and the desire for a second chance. The king must correct the mistakes of his past while navigating a new world that is threatened by an undercurrent that could destroy everything he has worked for.
Transcendence book cover
Книга 6
Transcendence, Book 6
TurtleMe - 2019-06-05
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Transcendence" by TurtleMe is an epic tale of a powerful king who seeks a new purpose in a world governed by martial ability. Reincarnated into a magical realm full of monsters, he seeks to correct the mistakes of his past and make the most of his second chance at life. But challenges arise as an undercurrent threatens to destroy everything he has worked for, questioning his reason for being born again. Get ready for a thrilling adventure filled with magic, combat, and self-discovery.
Divergence book cover
Книга 7
Divergence, Book 7
TurtleMe - 2020-02-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
In "Divergence", the upcoming book in the popular series "The Beginning After The End", Arthur Leywin faces a difficult decision. As a swordsman, mage, adventurer, and king, he has experienced two lifetimes of challenge and adventure. Now, his two lives will collide, revealing a connection that will affect the ongoing war between the nations of Alacrya and Dicathen. With enemy forces threatening the land and allies vanishing, Arthur may be the last hope for his people. But, when forced to choose between family and country, where will his loyalty lie?
Ascension book cover
Книга 8
Ascension, Book 8
TurtleMe - 2021-03-19
Рейтинг Goodreads
In Volume 8 of The Beginning After The End, the protagonist must push his limits after nearly dying as a victim of his own strength. Arthur must survive alone and rebuild his strength while ascending through an ancient dungeon. He discovers an ancient power that could either ruin him or take him to new heights, but must first learn to untangle the threads of fate and band together with unlikely allies.