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Libros de coolkyousinnjya
COOL KyoushinjaName (in native language): クール教信者Associated Names:Cool Kyou SinnjyaCOOL KyoushinshaCoolkyou ShinjaCoolkyou ShinjyaCoolkyoushinjaCool-kyou ShinjaZodiac: CancerBlood Type: BPixiv: クール教信者@新都社
44 libros en la lista
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"Laugh out loud with Monster Musume's hilarious collection of fourteen new short stories featuring your favorite monster girls! In a unique four-panel comic strip format, the tales are penned by a range of talented artists, including an exclusive piece by Shake-O and an extra story by the creator of the original series. Get lost in the wacky and fun-filled world of these lovable creatures, brought to life on the pages in lively illustrations and witty humor."

ピーチボーイリバーサイド 6
coolkyousinnjya - 2021-04-13

Peach Boy Riverside 5
Coolkyousinnjya - 2021-03-09
Fairy-tale inspired fantasy that takes readers on a journey through the past. Follow the story of a young man named "Peach Boy" and his meeting with a character named "Mikoto" in a shockingly revealing past chapter. This is a must-read for anyone who loves immersive and complex fantasy.

ピーチボーイリバーサイド 4
coolkyousinnjya - 2021-02-09

ピーチボーイリバーサイド 3
coolkyousinnjya - 2021-01-12

ピーチボーイリバーサイド 2
coolkyousinnjya - 2020-12-08

Peach Boy Riverside, Vol. 1
Coolkyousinnjya - 2020-11-10
This fantasy novel takes a classic fairy tale and puts a unique spin on it. The main character, Flau, must fight against a powerful and dangerous demon who has been unleashed due to her actions in the past. With the help of a mysterious and cold ally named Sally, Flau will have to face a battle that not only affects their world, but also the heavens above. This is a thrilling and action-packed adventure full of unexpected twists and turns.
![小林さんちのメイドラゴン 10 [Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 10] book cover](
小林さんちのメイドラゴン 10 [Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 10]
coolkyousinnjya - 2020-08-11
This popular comedy manga series explores the unique relationships between humans and dragons, with characters experiencing everything from becoming a detective to realizing their true feelings for someone. The tenth volume continues to deliver on the series' promise of strange and diverse characters, as the distance between hearts and bodies affects their relationships. Don't miss out on this beloved supernatural series.
小林さんちのメイドラゴン カンナの日常 8 [Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon by coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid by Coolkyousinnjya
ピーチボーイリバーサイド 7 by coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid by Coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid by Coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid by coolkyoushinja
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Vol. 9 by Coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid by coolkyoushinja, Ayami Kazama
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Vol. 8 by Coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid by Coolkyousinnjya
Ojojojo, Vol. 3-4 by Coolkyousinnjya
Ojojojo, Vol. 4 by coolkyoushinja
Ojojojo, Vol. 3 by coolkyoushinja
Mononoke Sharing Vol. 4 by Coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid by coolkyoushinja, Ayami Kazama
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid by coolkyoushinja
Ojojojo, Vol. 2 by coolkyoushinja
Ojojojo, Vol. 1-2 by Coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Vol. 7 by Coolkyousinnjya
Mononoke Sharing Vol. 3 by coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid by coolkyoushinja, Mitsuhiro Kimura
Mononoke Sharing, Vol. 2 by coolkyoushinja
Mononoke Sharing, Vol. 1 by coolkyoushinja
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid by coolkyoushinja, Mitsuhiro Kimura
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Vol. 4 by Coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Vol. 3 by Coolkyousinnjya
小林さんちのメイドラゴン 公式アンソロジー(2) [Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Official Anthology 2] by coolkyousinnjya
小林さんちのメイドラゴン 公式アンソロジー(1) [Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Official Anthology 1] by coolkyousinnjya
小林さんちのメイドラゴン 5 [Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 5] by Coolkyoushinja
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Vol. 1 by Coolkyousinnjya
旦那が何を言っているかわからない件 by coolkyousinnjya
Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Vol 1-7 Books Collection Set by Coolkyoushinja
バンブーコミックス 4コマセレクション まんがライフ&まんがライフオリジナル0号 by 秋月りす, 神仙寺瑛, 安西理晃, 東屋めめ, 山東ユカ, 宮成樂, 吉田美紀子, 板倉梓, すみれいこ, 遠藤淑子, あづま笙子, 大井昌和, 忍田鳩子, 深谷かほる, 小池恵子, 伊藤黒介, ナカタニd., 松本ぷりっつ, いがらしみきお, おーはしるい, 植田まさし, 重野なおき, みずしな孝之, むんこ, 竹本泉, 胡桃ちの, ハトポポコ, 桑田乃梨子, よしもとあきこ, 柘植文, カラスヤサトシ, クール教信者, 宇仁田ゆみ, 佐野妙, 曙はる, 瀬野反人, 松田円, 海月れおな, 渡邊, 碓井尻尾, 佐藤両々, 伊丹澄一, 黒田いずま, 神堂あらし, 渡辺伊織, 道端千揺, 後藤羽矢子, 犬上すくね, 小坂俊史, うず
旦那が何を言っているかわからない件 by coolkyousinnjya
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