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Libros de Michel Onfray
Michel Onfray is a French philosopher. Born to a family of Norman farmers, he graduated with a Ph.D. in philosophy. He taught this subject to senior students at a technical high school in Caen between 1983 and 2002, before establishing what he and his supporters call the Université populaire de Caen, proclaiming its foundation on a free-of-charge basis, and the manifesto written by Onfray in 2004 (La communauté philosophique). However, the title 'Popular University' is misleading, although attractive, as this 'University' provides no services other than the occasional delivery of lectures - there is no register of students, no examination or assessment, and no diplomas. After all, 'ordinary' French University lectures are open to all, free of charge. Nor is the content of the Université populaire de Caen radical in French terms, it is in its way, a throwback to less democratic traditions of learning. Both in his writing and his lecturing, Onfray's approach is hierarchical, and elitist. He prefers to say though that his 'university' is committed to deliver high-level knowledge to the masses, as opposed to the more common approach of vulgarizing philosophic concepts through easy-to-read books such as "Philosophy for Well-being".Onfray writes obscurely that there is no philosophy without psychoanalysis. Perhaps paradoxically, he proclaims himself as an adamant atheist (something more novel in France than elsewhere - indeed his book, 'Atheist Manifesto', was briefly in the 'bestsellers' list in France) and he considers religion to be indefensible. He instead regards himself as being part of the tradition of individualist anarchism, a tradition that he claims is at work throughout the entire history of philosophy and that he is seeking to revive amidst modern schools of philosophy that he feels are cynical and epicurean. His writings celebrate hedonism, reason and atheism.He endorsed the French Revolutionary Communist League and its candidate for the French presidency, Olivier Besancenot in the 2002 election, although this is somewhat at odds with the libertarian socialism he advocates in his writings.[citation needed] In 2007, he endorsed José Bové - but eventually voted for Olivier Besancenot - , and conducted an interview with the future French President, who he declared was an 'ideological enemy' Nicolas Sarkozy for Philosophie Magazine.Onfray himself attributes the birth of a philosophic communities such as the université populaire to the results of the French presidential election, 2002.
76 libros en la lista
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Le Crocodile d'Aristote
Une histoire de la philosophie par la peinture (A.M.PARTENARIAT) (French Edition)
Michel Onfray - 2022-03-23
Discover the history of philosophy through art in this unique book. From ancient philosophers like Socrates and Plato to modern thinkers like Kant and Nietzsche, Michel Onfray covers 34 philosophers and their beliefs by focusing on one small detail depicted in a painting - a lamp for Anaxagore, tears for Heraclitus, a crocodile for Aristotle. Get a new perspective on philosophy and art with this captivating read.
This book serves as a resistance manual for the younger generation. As values invert, culture shrinks, and society devolves, the author offers guidance in the form of letters covering topics like neo-feminism, anti-Semitism, and transhumanism. Through a cultural analysis, the author outlines the art of being French and encourages the preservation of Montaigne's free examination, Descartes' rationalism, Rabelais' hedonism, Voltaire's irony, Marivaux's finesse, and Hugo's politics.

El Sueño de Eichmann
Precedido de Un kantiano entre los nazis (Gedisa_cult· nº 893019) (Spanish Edition)
Michel Onfray - 2009-11-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2021)
Explore the dark connection between philosophy and Nazi ideology with this thought-provoking book. In "Un kantiano entre los nazis", French philosopher Michel Onfray examines how the ethics of Immanuel Kant, particularly his thoughts on law and obedience, paved the way for the atrocities committed by war criminal Adolf Eichmann. Onfray's wit and clarity make this a compelling read. The book also includes an unusual play, "El sueño de Eichmann", depicting a surreal dream in which Eichmann encounters Kant and Friedrich Nietzsche before his execution.

La Nef des fous - Des nouvelles du Bas-Empire
Michel ONFRAY - 2021-02-25
This year-long journal documents the delusions of our time, with daily entries on a range of absurdities. From a young girl who wants to change her gender to female anthropologists complaining about not enough female dinosaurs, this book comments on the bizarre events of our culture. With a mix of satire and criticism, this journal is a timely commentary on the decline of our civilization.

Michel Onfray - 2021-02-24
A virus has put the world on its knees, revealing the follies of our era - from the impotence of the French state to the stupidity of philosophers. The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us that life is only possible through death, including among humans. In "La Vengeance du pangolin," the author reflects on the universal lesson provided by the pandemic, critiquing a range of professions and systems.

Grandeur du petit peuple
Heurs et malheurs des Gilets jaunes (A.M. POLITIQUE) (French Edition)
Michel Onfray - 2020-01-15
Explore the social divide in France and the struggle between those in power and those subject to their authority. In this thought-provoking and passionate book, the author delves into the division between the people and the elites, offering a call to action for a more libertarian and populist left. Join the author in choosing the side of the people in the fight against those who oppress them.

Les avalanches de Sils-Maria
Michel Onfray - 2021-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2019)
Discover the philosophical roots of Nietzsche's concept of the Superman in "Les avalanches de Sils-Maria" by Michel Onfray. Journey through the stunning landscapes of Sils-Maria and explore the geological genealogy of thought, where mountains and lakes serve as the birthplace of ethical rather than political figures. Learn how anyone can become a Superman by understanding, wanting, and loving reality, leading to a joy accessible to all. This book offers a fresh perspective on Nietzsche's wisdom, updated for our post-Christian era and opposing fascist or leftist interpretations.
Discover the wisdom of ancient Roman philosophy to live a happy and harmonious life with others and the world. In this groundbreaking book, Michel Onfray draws from Roman history to create a positive model for individual and collective existence that focuses on honor, rectitude, and heroism. Divided into three parts, the book offers guidance on how to care for yourself, community, and nature, while answering essential questions about aging, dealing with pain, and embracing mortality. Join Onfray in a spectacular theater of grand suicides, gladiator fights, sublime friendships, and world-changing murders, as he inspires readers to embrace life and protect their city in the face of an approaching storm.

Thoreau, el salvaje
Michel Onfray - 2019-07-01
Théorie de la dictature by Michel ONFRAY
Thoreau. Vivere una vita filosofica by Michel Onfray
Vivre une vie philosophique by Michel Onfray
Le Deuil de la mélancolie by Michel ONFRAY
Zéro de conduite. Carnet d'après campagne (EDITIONS DE L'O) by Michel Onfray
Solstice d'hiver. Alain, les Juifs, Hitler et l'Occupation by Michel Onfray
Le désir ultramarin. Les Marquises après les Marquises (Blanche) by Michel Onfray
Nager avec les piranhas. Carnet guyanais (Blanche) by Michel Onfray
Tocqueville et les Apaches. Indiens, nègres, ouvriers et autres hors-la-loi by Michel Onfray
La cour des miracles. Carnets de campagne (EDITIONS DE L'O) by Michel Onfray
La parole au peuple (LE UN EN LIVRE) by Michel ONFRAY
Décoloniser les provinces (EDITIONS DE L'O) by Michel Onfray
Décadence by Michel Onfray
Miroir du nihilisme by ONFRAY MICHEL
As radicalidades existenciais - Contra-História da Filosofia - Vol. 6 by Michel Onfray
Le miroir aux alouettes by Michel ONFRAY
Penser l'islam by Michel Onfray
La force du sexe faible by Michel Onfray
L'étoile polaire by Michel Onfray, Mylène Farmer
Estetica del Polo Nord by Michel Onfray
Cosmos by Michel Onfray
Le magnétisme des solstices by Michel Onfray
La passion de la méchanceté - Sur un prétendu divin marquis by Michel Onfray
Le Réel n'a pas eu lieu by Michel Onfray
Avant le silence by Michel Onfray
Un Requiem Athée by Michel Onfray
La canari du nazi by Michel Onfray
Les freudiens hérétiques by Michel Onfray
Rendre la raison populaire by Michel Onfray
Vies et mort d'un dandy by Michel Onfray
L'ordre libertaire by Michel Onfray
La sagesse des abeilles. Première leçon de Démocrite. by Michel Onfray
la construction du surhomme by Michel Onfray
Apostille Au Crépuscule by Michel Onfray
Illuminismo estremo by Michel Onfray
Le crépuscule d'une idole - l'affabulation freudienne by Michel Onfray
Nietzsche, se créer liberté by Onfray Michel
L'Eudémonisme social by Michel Onfray
Le recours aux forêts by Michel Onfray
Les Formes Du Temps by Michel Onfray
La Religion Du Poignard by Michel ONFRAY M
Les radicalités existentielles by Michel Onfray
Les Libertins baroques by Michel Onfray
La inocencia del devenir by Michel Onfray
Le souci des plaisirs by AA.VV.
La fabuleuse histoire des légumes (Essais Français) by Evelyne Bloch-Dano
Teoria Del Viaje by Michel Onfray
Atheist Manifesto by Michel Onfray
La puissance d'exister by Michel Onfray
Le christianisme hédoniste by Michel Onfray
Les sagesses antiques by Michel Onfray
La Sagesse Tragique, du bon usage de Nietzsche by Michel Onfray
Physiologie de Georges Palante by Michel Onfray
Féeries anatomiques by Michel Onfray
La communauté philosophique by Michel Onfray
La philosophie féroce by Michel Onfray
Archéologie du présent by Michel Onfray
Théorie du corps amoureux by Michel Onfray
Antimanuel de philosophie by MICHEL ONFRAY
Politique du rebelle by Michel Onfray
La razón del gourmet by Michel Onfray
La Sculpture de Soi by Michel Onfray
Le Désir D'être Un Volcan by Michel Onfray
L'art de jouir by Michel Onfray
Cynismes by Michel Onfray
Le Ventre des philosophes by Michel Onfray
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