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Barbarian Virtues book cover

Barbarian Virtues

The United States Encounters Foreign Peoples at Home and Abroad, 1876-1917

Matthew Frye Jacobson

Experience a captivating history of America's immigrant identity and expansionist ambitions in Barbarian Virtues. Through a compelling analysis of political documents, travelogues, and art, Matthew Frye Jacobson expertly recasts American political life by shedding light on the intimate relationship between immigration and expansion at the turn of the twentieth century. Discover Jacobson's persuasive argument about how this period paved the way for present-day attitudes on Americanism. This thought-provoking read is a must for anyone interested in American history and identity.
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publicado por primera vez en 2000
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Many of you know I’m still an undergrad (if not, hello). A school tweet: This semester has been exhausting, but as I finish up my last exam I want to recommend these book to anyone looking for a good history of early American diplomacy, especially the Jacobson text. That is all      fuente