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The End of Democracy? book cover

The End of Democracy?

Russia and China on the Rise, America in Retreat

Douglas E. Schoen

This book highlights the immediate global threat to democracy by the China-Russia axis, which challenges America and Western values. The author provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges, both internal and external, that the United States is currently facing, and how the rise of authoritarianism is impacting free societies and people around the world. The book offers a better understanding of the adversaries in Beijing and Moscow and their impact on the future of democracy and human rights. Highly praised by Fareed Zakaria, John Bolton, and Bob Shrum, this book is a must-read for those concerned about the future of free societies.
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Reading @DouglasESchoen's book was like looking up from Twitter and getting hit by a bus. We're worried about the outrage du jour and meanwhile our division weakens us as individuals & a nation. A terrifying slap in the face that I needed.      fuente