Bridget Phetasy
Libros Recomendados
Bridget Phetasy is a writer and stand-up comedian. She incorporates vulnerability, satire, and mischief into themes about independence, recovery, wellness, and the critical importance of dialogue in our daily civic life. As the owner and operator of Phetasy, Inc., she has built a digital media cul-de-sac, leveraging existing platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, and Locals to deliver insightful and compelling commentary and observations on current events.
12 libros en la lista
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Discover the hidden history of gay Washington in James Kirchick’s Secret City. Unveiling government secrets from FDR through Clinton, Kirchick reveals how the fear of homosexuality destroyed lives, impacted presidential administrations, and intersected with pivotal moments in American history. Through thousands of declassified documents, interviews, and archives, Secret City offers a unique perspective on the citizens who lived in the shadows and galvanized for public pride. This sweeping and intimate chronicle will forever change how you understand American history.
Bridget Phetasy
2022-08-25T13:16:17.000ZIn "Bad News," Batya Ungar-Sargon exposes the dangerous ideological shift in American journalism that has led to a news media that is more woke than liberal. Ungar-Sargon explains how journalism became an affluent and elite profession, focused on the concerns of highly educated peers. This shift, combined with the rise of the internet and the implosion of local news, has led to a dangerous culture war around identity that is undermining American democracy. "Bad News" uncovers the truth behind the moral panic around race and the power consolidation of liberal elites.
Bridget Phetasy
The War on Small Business
How the Government Used the Pandemic to Crush the Backbone of America
Discover the shocking truth about the government's destructive agenda against small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Entrepreneur Carol Roth exposes the abuses of power inflicted on small business owners and the intentional protection of the wealthy and powerful. The War on Small Business is the most underreported story of the pandemic, revealing a highly tilted playing field that favors those "in the club" to the detriment of the average American. This book is about the Davids vs. the Goliaths, and how decentralized power can help small businesses and individuals participate in wealth creation. Don't be left in the dark about the government's war on small business - read this eye-opening book and take action.
Bridget Phetasy
La mente de los justos
Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
Por qué los juicios morales no surgen de la razón sino de los instintos. En unos tiempos como los actuales, de enorme polarización política, resulta inevitable hacernos una pregunta: ¿por qué no podemos llevarnos bien? Seamos de derechas o de izquierdas, demasiadas veces tenemos la sensación de que nuestro adversario, además de oponerse a nosotros, no entiende en absoluto nuestras posturas y ni siquiera lo intenta. Eso hace que las divisiones sociales se estén consolidando, el debate público se convierta en un griterío y que en su mayoría los ciudadanos crean que sólo ellos están en lo cierto.Muchas personas, guiadas por razones morales que en realidad no son fruto de la razón, sino de un tribalismo parcialmente innato, son incapaces de entender que tanto los progresistas como los conservadores o los liberales, los creyentes y los ateos, tienen parte de razón; el conflicto moral les impide verlo.
Bridget Phetasy
Securing Democracy
My Fight for Press Freedom and Justice in Bolsonaro’s Brazil
"Securing Democracy" is a riveting and courageous book documenting the fight for press freedom in Brazil, where corruption and authoritarianism threaten democracy. Through new reporting and a massive trove of previously undisclosed calls, audio, and text, Glenn Greenwald exposes grave corruption by the most powerful political actors in Brazil, resulting in death threats and attempts to criminally prosecute him. Join Greenwald and his powerful opposition movement as they challenge corruption, homophobia, tyranny, and ultimately, secure the freedoms of democracy.
Bridget Phetasy
2021-06-03T19:49:57.000ZLaugh your way through life's toughest moments with Dead People Suck. Comedian Laurie Kilmartin delivers an honest and irreverent guide to death, dying, and grief without losing your mind. From "Are You An Old Man With Daughters? Please Shred Your Porn" to "Unsubscribing Your Dead Parent from Tea Party Emails," this hilarious book will help you navigate tough times with equal parts heart and sarcasm. Perfect for anyone facing death or coping with the loss of a loved one.
Explore the poverty and corruption of modern India's caste society in this stunning literary debut that critics have compared to Richard Wright's Native Son. Follow Balram Halwai, a poor Indian villager whose great ambition leads him to the zenith of Indian business culture, the world of the Bangalore entrepreneur. Through his experiences as a driver and servant to a wealthy Indian family, Balram writes a letter to the president of China, showcasing the contradictions and complications of Indian society. Don't miss this darkly comic tale of ambition and corruption.
Bridget Phetasy
The End of Democracy?
Russia and China on the Rise, America in Retreat
This book highlights the immediate global threat to democracy by the China-Russia axis, which challenges America and Western values. The author provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges, both internal and external, that the United States is currently facing, and how the rise of authoritarianism is impacting free societies and people around the world. The book offers a better understanding of the adversaries in Beijing and Moscow and their impact on the future of democracy and human rights. Highly praised by Fareed Zakaria, John Bolton, and Bob Shrum, this book is a must-read for those concerned about the future of free societies.
Bridget Phetasy
2020-10-22T18:54:51.000ZHow to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps delves into the disintegrationist movement, which aims to cancel America's shared history, ideals, and culture, and replace it with an increased reliance on the government. Author Ben Shapiro argues that we need to uphold foundational truths about ourselves, our history, and reality itself in order to remain a cohesive nation. This book is a vital warning that if we don’t recover these shared truths, our future—our union—as a great country is threatened with destruction.
Bridget Phetasy
2020-08-27T15:46:10.000ZIrreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier
Recuperado by Russell Brand
Mediated by Thomas de Zengotita